Zootopia: A Film About Tolerance And Surpassing Oneself

Zootopia: a film about tolerance and surpassing oneself

Zootopia is a cartoon that also gives lessons to all adults who want to see it. There we can see how Judy Hopps, a little rabbit, works to achieve her dream: to join the Zootopia Police Department. All this despite warnings from his family and the lack of support from those closest to him.

Through this animated film,  the audience can see the similarities between this animal world and everyday human society. It is a mirror for learning values ​​as important as tolerance and surpassing oneself.

The film Zootopia , a reflection of our world

In a subtle way, the viewer can see how similar animal species and social groups are. Each animal group with almost determined occupations is easily assimilated to concrete social groups. Plus, they’re what a lot of people aspire to do.

In both cases, there is a problem: the prejudices they have towards others. The preconceived ideas they have about others end up affecting them themselves. In that sense, the film teaches the way to eliminate them and to get as far as we would like.


In fact, the protagonist gives a very clear lesson: appearances and labels deceive people. Her family’s lack of understanding and the lack of trust from those who work alongside her make Judy Hopps go even further.

“Man has never created material as resistant as the human mind. “

-Bernard Williams-

And yes, thanks to her we can observe that constancy and faith mean that we can go much further than what we think. Difficulties, moreover, are nothing more than opportunities to learn from them.

Tolerance is essential to surpassing oneself

Perhaps one of the most effective methods of making a dream come true is breaking down barriers. This film shows how it works, inside and out. It is better not to be afraid of what sets us apart from others, because differences are an opportunity to get to know ourselves better.

Tolerance is found in accepting diversity, as the character teaches from start to finish. The only way to soak up what others can offer us is to eliminate prejudice and be tolerant.

Who would have thought that Judy Hopps, a rabbit, was going to become part of the police force? And even more knowing that this environment is dominated by predators and species considered stronger.

“If we can’t end our differences, let’s make the world a suitable place for them. “

-John Fitzgerald Kennedy-

It is good not to be alike, because in this way it is possible to enjoy the details of life that we would not know how to appreciate if no one was there to teach us them. Therefore,  understanding others is nothing more than an opportunity to discover and share.  

Let’s be like Judy: let’s dream of being big

Living in tolerance and knowing that difference is not an obstacle to surpassing oneself and achieving a dream is essential. In the end, to be able to grow up, we need to be like Judy and daydream. Without admitting that we are defeated, and by thinking that with our efforts and our persistence we will be closer to our goal each time.


It is important to know where we come from, what happened to us or who we are. However,  the most important thing to consider is the size of our goals and our willingness to strive to achieve them. With steadfast love for what we do and happiness, the road can be walked.

“The only thing we have to fear …

is fear itself ”.


In this sense, there is no doubt that the film represents a lesson for adults and a gateway to learning for the little ones. Thanks to this cartoon, we remind ourselves that we sometimes forget fundamental values. And, above all,  that looking at the world from a childish perspective brings us much closer to ourselves than we might imagine.

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