You Are The Creator Of Your Reality

Despite what is going on around us, the way we interpret it (or how we decide to do it) represents the real reality. We think about it below.
You are the creator of your reality

Do you know what reality is, what is true and what is a lie in this world of experiences?

As Immanuel Kant said: “We only know things a priori what we put into them ourselves. With this affirmation Kant makes a Copernican turn, a revolution which implies a change of perspective, where reality itself does not exist, since each subject is active and transforms reality according to his own experience.

Kant mentions that we can only understand a priori knowledge if we admit that we only know the phenomena and not the things themselves.

Thanks to Kant’s revolutionary contribution, we understand that we are active subjects in our own experience. There is no single reality that influences us as taxpayers, so we are not slaves to our situation.

We are creators of our experience

We own and are responsible for what happens to us, so every experience is a repercussion, a feedback of our thoughts, our emotional state and the attitude we decide to adopt at every moment.

You have surely had the opportunity to experience that according to our receptivity, we attract more beneficial or harmful situations in our life. Depending on the degree of openness and where we are paying attention, we will be able to attract experiences in tune with the energy we put into our environment.


It also happens internally, we weaken ourselves and get sick more easily if our thoughts lead us to believe that we are puppets of circumstance and that there is nothing we can do about it.

When there is a continuous succession of unpleasant experiences, it does not mean that life has turned against us; rather, it means that in some way we boycott our experience, through the energy that we mobilize with our thoughts and actions.

There are no bad or good experiences, there are only experiences that each person in the same circumstances will be able to give them several different meanings, learn different things and move forward in a stronger way, or be anchored in them. what happened and gradually self-destruct.

We are not slaves to our thoughts or our emotions

Contrary to what many people may believe, we can control our thoughts and let go of our emotions so that they don’t get stuck.

Thinking is often rooted in what it is used to, our neural networks are strengthened and activated automatically generating unpleasant thoughts in any situation, if we have reinforced this attitude.

The moment we don’t realize it, we end up being slaves to what we think, believing that there is no way out for our thoughts that bother us, and cause us to perform actions that confirm the state of our attitude.

We don’t put enough energy into what we want to achieve, so we get frustrating results, and then we wonder why I never get what I want? Why do bad things always happen to me?


And we get caught in this vicious cycle by creating a greater helplessness, which is not due to our own circumstances, but to how we reacted to the situation and how we got there.

Being aware that we are creating our own reality, and that we are not puppets of circumstances, is the only way to change thinking and modify it; just as we realize that once again we are boycotting ourselves.

Only we can change that, the reality of how we see things and how they are presented to us. The emotional state, in turn, will also adapt according to how we understand each of our experiences, how we experience them and how we assimilate them, incorporating them into our learning.

Because there are no good or bad emotions, just reactions that are necessary for what we are going through. They are indicators of what is happening to us, and witnessing them helps us understand ourselves better.

By feeling, emotions are released, energy circulates, leaving room for new experiences.

When we cling to plugging in one of the emotions by not wanting to feel it, by considering it as inappropriate or negative. We give it more strength, increase its intensity and infect other emotions, so that an imbalance occurs.

We build our reality, we shape it, we are the architects of our experience, are you ready to take your responsibilities?

Whether you are aware of it or not, you are the creator of your reality and your own experience, which develops in response to the thoughts and emotions you have set in motion.

The reality principle: what is it?
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Do you know what the reality principle consists of? This is what we invite you to discover in this article. So read on.

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