Which Hours Increase Productivity?

Hours and productivity go hand in hand. Each person can identify the times when their performance is optimal. At the collective level, it is more difficult: the debate is very open.
What hours increase productivity?

Hours are a factor that directly influences productivity. We are not the same at 8 a.m. as 12 hours later. Human beings do not function in the same way when they have 20 days of work without rest and when they take four or five breaks during that same period.

However, we cannot generalize. The most productive hours for some may not be the most productive for others. Although there are more or less common patterns for all human beings, education and habits eventually shape these patterns as well.

The point is that the issue of schedules is very important in order to work smarter. This is how you can do more, with less time and effort. Let’s see what information exists in this regard.

Hours and productivity.

Schedules and cycles

The human body works in cyclical processes. The circadian cycle, which consists of 24 hours, can be considered as the basic unit. It determines a certain regularity between the time of sleep and the time of wakefulness, while establishing peaks of activity and off periods, every day, more or less at the same time.

These cycles can vary from person to person, but they maintain the same logic. On a “circadian day” there are blocks of 90 minutes during which the ability to concentrate is higher. We can therefore say that these are blocks of maximum productivity.

These blocks are called “ultradian cycles” and coincide with the times when the brain has the most energy. At the end of each of them, our level of productivity decreases. At this point, the brain needs a period of inactivity.

The most productive times of the day

Based on what has been said, the ideal is for each person to synchronize the ultradian cycles with the tasks that require more concentration or involve more complexity. In the same way, it is advisable to make coincide the less productive moments with the tasks which require less intellectual engagement.

How to identify your own ultradian cycles? There is no other way but to analyze ourselves and collect data. We all have a more or less clear idea of ​​our most productive hours. However, this is not enough: you have to be precise.

Making a graph is a good technique. You can make a row for each hour you want to rate and rate it on a scale of 1 to 5 depending on how much focus you were able to maintain during that hour. After a few weeks of making these annotations, you will have a very clear idea of ​​how your ultradian cycles work.

The following is the analysis of the data obtained. Organize your activities to take advantage of both “peaks” in concentration and off-peak times. It will help you increase productivity.

Hours and productivity.

Work fewer hours and be more flexible for greater productivity

A survey conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and published in The Economist magazine revealed devastating data. The researchers concluded that the longer a person works, the more their productivity decreases.

This is bad news for fans of classic patterns. This reveals a truth that surely many have already felt. It is not by spending more time in activities that you get better results.

However, another phenomenon can also occur. If you work fewer hours, stress may increase due to the desire to complete the same task in less time.

After a long debate on the issue, it was partially concluded that more than the hours themselves, what most affects productivity are the methods of work. A person can be very productive if they have the right motivation to do so.

Currently, most states and conventions are in favor of reducing working time in order to promote productivity. In addition, many companies are already working by objectives rather than by time. The worker can thus leave when he has completed his agenda of objectives.

The debate is open. Working too hard without rest is not a good idea for anyone.

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