What Kind Of Stress Do You Suffer From?

What type of stress are you suffering from?

Stress is an alteration, a state of nervousness in which we find ourselves in a situation in which we have to produce a greater effort than normal. For example, during the pre-exam period, stress knocks on the door.

Stress can be positive as long as it helps us motivate and focus. However, it can also be bad and prevent us from doing our business.

In this article, you will learn about the different types of stress you can experience.

Once you know what kind of stress you are suffering from, you can deal with it in the best possible way. So read on!

Eustress or positive stress

Eustress is a very positive type of stress. It is stimulating and motivating stress, which pushes the person who benefits from it to act in a positive way.

The eutress brings you vitality, an important energy which, until then, was extinct or absent.

In what situations is stress beneficial? For example, during exam times, we know we have to study but we can’t.

Many people need to wait until the last days to feel this eutress, so that it allows them to concentrate and work effectively.

This stress also increases creativity. Imagine that you have a new project in your business and you need to bring something new and original. Eustress can stimulate new ideas that you didn’t have before.

The problem with eustress is that it is only present at the last moment and biologically it is not possible to stay in this state for too long.

Distress or “bad stress”

Unlike the eutress, the distress is very negative. It is an unpleasant type of stress that arises when faced with a threat.

Anxiety, panic or fear are some of the symptoms that accompany the person who is suffering from distress.

Distress can arise following the loss of a job, the announcement of an illness of a loved one, an accident, etc.

It’s a situation that suddenly changes, something that we don’t see coming and that surprises us. Ultimately, we can say that a change in his daily life can be accompanied by distress.

We need to fight to face it and so that it disappears, especially because bad stress can generate illnesses. 

You will probably start with colds, allergies or eczema which will become habitual. But it can trigger more serious illnesses. So don’t be overwhelmed by distress! 

Overstress or hyperstress

Hyperstress occurs when we are overloaded with inordinate emotional sensations. It is impossible for us to assimilate these emotions because we are in a state of saturation.

Hyperstress arises when we do an activity that requires extra effort.

We think again of work, which is often the place of effort. We are giving more than we can give, we are overwhelmed and we can explode any minute.

The more we demand of ourselves, the greater the risk of an emotional explosion.


Hypostress arises because of boredom or a lack of motivation. It is a stress very different from those which we saw previously, and whose reason is not the pressure but quite the opposite.

This type of stress affects restless and very creative people who are subjected to repetitive work. They may be stuck or unable to achieve what they want for various reasons.

These people need to have experiences, to have occupations that require continuous learning and to experience new things.

You will feel identified with this type of stress if during the holidays you need to go back to work, have new goals, etc.

These four types of stress can be associated or appear in different situations in our life. However, there is always one that predominates over the others.

Do you suffer from eutress, but also from hypostress? Share your comments with us! 

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