What Is The Role Of Grandparents In The Family?

What is the role of grandparents in the family?

If we think about our childhood, we will certainly find there a personality with a relevant role: our grandparents. These are the people we remember as always available to us, ready to play (almost) anything or buy us a bonbec  or a toy when our parents didn’t want to.

We loved them, right? But things change when we have our own children and our parents become the grandparents. There, the situation changes and  the role of grandparents in the family can transform into that of generators of conflicts … Are grandparents more harmful than beneficial or is it the other way around?

The role of grandparents in the family as generators of conflict

We’ve all heard that parents educate and grandparents spoil, right? The reality is that grandparents are generally less demanding than parents, and they approach children’s inappropriate behaviors with a calmer approach.

It is common for the latter to think that they would educate their grandchildren differently than their own children do, which can lead to conflict if parents feel their authority as parents is being questioned.

The reality is that greater overprotection of grandparents should not lead to children disobeying their parents. It is important that parents and grandparents know clearly, through fluent communication, what the core values ​​and standards of education are.
Grand parents

The role of grandparents in the family as mediators

Indeed, if we succeed in making parents and grandparents see each other as allies rather than adversaries, the education of the little ones will greatly benefit. First of all because  the grandparents will be able to play the role of mediators in the conflicts that arise (as is usual) between parents and children.

If grandparents are able to take a stand by balancing both parties, they can be a very useful source of problem solving for everyone. Indeed,  the role of grandparents in a family in conflict can be that of communication facilitators.

But that’s not all ; grandparents can also bring calm and perspective to the problem. In addition to offering various alternative solutions, they ensure that parents and children effectively implement the agreement they have reached. In a way, they can act as guarantors of this type of agreement.

The role of grandparents in the family as emotional support for children and grandchildren

However, the role of grandparents in the family goes further. It is undeniable that they can become a great emotional support for their own children and for their grandchildren. In the first place, when we embark on the adventure of fatherhood, it can cause negative emotions: raising children is not an easy task, or at least it is not always easy.

grandfather with his grandson

Having the experience and advice of grandparents can provide us with additional security on a daily basis with our children. In order for them to provide us with the support we need, it is important that this relationship is based on listening, understanding and mutual empathy, so that educational guidelines are followed, as well as what can give and receive each part.

Moreover, what grandparents bring to their grandchildren is undeniable. They are, first of all, an irreplaceable source of tolerance and affection. In addition, they help them discover who they are through the stories they tell them about the family. But that’s not all, since they also promote their sense of responsibility as they are among the first people whose children learn to care for in order to ensure their well-being .


Images by OC González, Lindy Baker and Gemma Evans

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