To Educate Means To Help Develop The Brain Through Emotions

Educating means helping to develop the brain through emotions

We all wish, as mothers, fathers or educators, to bring into the world happy, competent children capable of making the world a better place. To achieve this, it is necessary to approach education from a more emotional, close and intuitive point of view.

Deepening the neurological mechanisms of children is an effective tool that serves as an adequate starting point. Far from seeing this theme as a vast universe beyond our reach, we must approach it with the curiosity of those who have within their reach the most adequate method to strengthen the skills of the little ones as much as possible.

“To educate is not to give a career to live, but to calm souls for the difficulties of life. “


The brain is not an empty box that has to be arbitrarily and intensively filled. A child comes into contact with the world through affection, emotions and, above all, through this gaze that seeks to discover every aspect that surrounds him. This is the real channel, this is the way we have to tune our children’s hearts to educate their minds.

Little by little, they will give the best of themselves by focusing all of their incredible energies, attention and feelings in those skills with which they will grow in harmony. And in happiness.


Our children’s brains beg to savor life

Children should be educated so that they savor life and not consume it in two minutes for quick gratification. In this knowledge society based on technologies, video games and immediacy, children get used to this hyper-stimulation very early on; a hurricane of stimuli that make it difficult for self-control and reflection.

  • The first thing we should get to do with our children is to connect with them and have them connect with us. Such a thing can only be achieved through a slow upbringing, where we respect their moments, where we take care of their needs and where we help them deal with those emotions that overflow their body.
  • A child’s brain is changing at a rate that we should know. It is not a question of advancing learning or stages by forcing to reach skills before the time.
  • The key is knowing that during their early years, our children will have potential that will never reappear. Knowing their real needs at all times will allow us to be better guides. Their knowledge transmitters.

Thus, when developing the brain potential of a child, there are adequate tools:

  • Develop an adequate bond with our children.
  • Motivate their conduct.
  • Develop their empathy, their communication, their assertiveness.
  • Knowing how to take advantage of the place and the moment.
  • Work on their fears.
  • Educate their emotional intelligence.
  • “Sow” seeds of happiness and security in their brains.

Educate by creating valuable connections in children’s brains

New learning is a precious set of new brain connections. If this learning arises out of a positive emotion, this knowledge will last forever.

This simple strategy undoubtedly shows us why some children fail in the education system, why they hate math or reading. A video game, for example, will give them more positive reinforcement than this book they are forced to read.

Because what we impose is rejected. What brings stimulation and gratification or what comes from the child’s natural curiosity will fit in much better.


Therefore, it is necessary to be astute strategists when creating these new neural connections in the brains of our children.

  • The power to strengthen the natural capacities of our children lies in our hands.
  • We need to teach children to deal with their emotions. The first step will always be to learn how to manage our own.
  • To promote the full development of the little ones, it is necessary to know the tools and strategies to apply.
  • Education based on love and knowledge of needs is part of success on this journey with your children.

Remember, education  is the most important adventure of our lives and we need to be prepared.

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