The Superman Complex: How To Recognize And Treat It?

The Superman complex: how to recognize and treat it?

For many people, work is an important part of life. It may even be everything to them; they live for and through work. Some of those people considered to be workaholics may suffer from Superman Complex.

The Superman complex is characterized by excessive self-sufficiency, determination, demands and quickness of action in some when performing an activity. This complex is much more common in professional environments, although it can occur anytime and anywhere. At home, at meetings of friends, etc.

The name “Superman Complex”  was coined by entrepreneur Max Carey. He suffered from it himself and was the first to paint a picture of this complex. According to him, people who suffer from Superman complex consider that they have to do everything on their own. They don’t just do a lot of activities: they try to do it much better than others.

Now that we know what Superman Complex is, let’s see how we can recognize and process it.

superman complex

How to recognize the Superman complex?

In a professional environment, a multitude of relationships develop between workers. Each of them acts in a different way. We always find the talkative, the lazy, the introvert and even the one who works more than the others. Effort at work is not a negative attitude, but it should not be excessive. If it is, it means that the person may be suffering from work addiction or the Superman complex.

It is therefore important to recognize a person who may suffer from this complex. This is the first step, the one that helps him. We would recognize a Superman complex in someone who:

  • Getting overworked. This person does everything on their own,  without asking others for help, even if they need it. She therefore does not delegate anything, and it does not matter whether the activity is long or difficult.
  • Has a very big ego and pride. This someone doesn’t admit that they need help. He never shows his weaknesses or weaknesses and does everything possible to hide the slightest sign of vulnerability.
  • Consider himself the best in everything. The person may think that they are the only ones who have the skills to complete a task.
  • Is lonely, does not trust anyone. Therefore, no one tolerates living with it. The person with a Superman complex is extremely competitive and demanding with others.

Physical and social effects of the Superman complex

Those who suffer from Superman complex  usually harm their body. Their backs, in particular, as well as their necks, hips and knees. Why? Because they work a lot of hours a day and try to do everything in the best possible way. This includes activities involving, for example, carrying very heavy objects.

People suffering from this complex  indirectly neglect their social relationships. They disconnect from their private life and this includes all relationships, whether family, couple or friendship. If they have children, they practically abandon them to achieve a level of perfection in their work. Because for this person, work is much more important than family and friends.

man tired because of superman complex

How to treat Superman complex?

The first step in finding a solution is to recognize that the problem exists. Then we have to ask for help and, of course, channel what others are giving us without our having asked them. It is also important  to learn to delegate tasks when it becomes necessary. After all, teamwork is extremely effective.

Finally, one must learn to be humble and to recognize that others may perform similarly or even better. If the person who suffers from Superman complex finds it difficult to come to terms with this reality, Max Carey recommends that you stop working for a moment. If the problem becomes more complicated,  seeking professional help will be the best decision.


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