The Rotten Apple Theory: The Effect Of A Bad Coworker

We call co-workers who use constant negativity, criticism or harassment “bad apples”. As a result of their behavior, they pollute the entire company, causing stress, suffering and low productivity.
The bad apple theory: the effect of a bad coworker

The bad apple theory tells us that in any business there is one employee whose attitude or personality can “infect” the rest  through their behavior. These people not only cause discomfort, sick leave and uneasiness in the working atmosphere, but they also entail a significant economic cost for companies.

What can I say? I hired the wrong employee and he destroyed everything I had built for 10 years ”. Those are the words Steve Jobs said when he recruited Apple CEO John Sculley. It was because of this person that he had to leave the company he created. Of course, this famous case is not the only one. In fact, as a study by the Glassdoor group reveals, 95% of companies say they hire at least one bad apple a year.

How is it possible ? What can be the influence of a single person to weaken the foundations of a company and have such a negative impact? Many experts suggest a domino effect.

There are personalities so harmful that they are capable of undermining the morale of an entire work team. But that’s not all. In many cases,  the repercussions don’t just affect co-workers. Indeed, customers are also the target of these bad vibes or this novice personality.

Let’s find out more information on this topic.

Colleagues arguing

The bad apple theory, or how one person destabilizes a business

The bad apple theory has been known for years. However, we still do not know how to avoid this phenomenon. The University of Washington did an interesting study in 2007, conducted by Dr. William Felps. He showed and explained the causes of this theory.

It has thus been observed that the negative behavior of a single member in a company can exert a considerable influence on it. In addition, professional problems go beyond  this framework to also affect the personal and family domain. Conflicts at work don’t stay at work. We also take them with us. Thus, the impact is considerable at all levels.

If we now wonder what characterizes these people who assume the role of bad apples “by infecting” others, then let’s discover some of their traits. These persons :

  • Dodge their own work and responsibilities,  putting their own tasks on the backs of others
  • Are pessimistic, defeatist and very critical of everything
  • Act like real thugs: they are people who show an aggressive attitude, who resort to bullying, mockery, criticism, etc.
  • Often  exhibit dishonest behavior:  they sometimes even end up illegally by writing false reports or resorting to deception, blackmail, etc.

Why do companies not have filters to identify bad apples?

The bad apple theory also tells us this: As a  rule, companies hire quickly and fire slowly. What does that mean ? In many companies, the need to cover a job position may require a quick and inefficient selection process.

Sometimes this urgent need causes values ​​to be overlooked as important variables. In addition, there is another essential fact. Often times,  the tests to assess a candidate do not allow us to become the hidden factors of personality or future behaviors  in the workplace.

So in many cases we rely on tough skills, that expansive CV, education, experience, way of working and assertiveness. However, often there is not enough time to dwell on soft skills such as the ability to work in a team, positive attitude, interpersonal sensitivity, self-control or emotional intelligence.

The bad apple theory: what is it?

What to do when a bad apple escapes the filters of the selection process?

We said it at the beginning of this article: As a  rule, every company hires a bad apple every year. Selection processes fail and the consequences soon manifest themselves. We observe the establishment of a polluted work climate. Frustration then wins over the employees, who live on the defensive. Stress is more and more present, stoppages and productivity problems multiply.

What to do in this case? Beyond what one might think, these situations do not resolve quickly. The bad apple theory tells us that, on average, we take a long time to intervene, while the first to suffer from the presence of these toxic and negative people are the employees. As we can imagine, it is not always easy to denounce these behaviors or to convince the hierarchy to intervene.

Today, most businesses continue to operate in a vertical manner and not in a horizontal manner. In other words, this flexibility is not always present, this direct communication between employees and management. Said organizational hierarchy makes bad apples last over time. Thus, these infect more and more workplaces and instability increases.

It is not ideal. Bad apples should be detected as soon as possible for the good of the business. After the identification, we can carry out information work to improve their ability to work in a team. He can be moved to a post with a more isolated position or, as a last resort, proceed with dismissal. In any case, this type of situation requires firm, rapid and effective action. Passivity only leads to situations of attrition, those that have no positive outcome.


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