The Parable Of The Tree That Did Not Know Who He Was

Do you know this beautiful story?
The parable of the tree that did not know who he was

This parable tells us that a gardener who loved his work very much lived in a very distant kingdom. One day he asked the king for permission to plant and cultivate the most beautiful garden that ever existed on Earth. It would take a little while, but the result would be worth it. He would take extremely good care of it and make the plants provide a spectacle never before seen. The king therefore gave his agreement, very enthusiastically.

With infinite patience, the gardener sowed the seeds one by one,  choosing the best place for each one. He then watered them every day. He knew that plants were noble beings and that they always responded favorably to those who protected them.

Several months passed and the first stems began to grow, as did the first leaves. The gardener felt incredibly happy seeing this explosion of life. After a while, the roses began to bloom. The garden fills with colors. Daisies and carnations grew. The apple trees began to bear fruit  and the whole garden soaked in their aroma,  except for one plant which was not blooming.

The tree that didn’t know who it was

The little plant grew slower than the others. She thought that she would take a little longer than the others to flower but that she would end up doing it anyway. That’s why she waited patiently. However, nothing was happening. The parable says that a year passed and the plant was almost the same as when it first started. Its stem was more and more robust, it had leaves and branches, but no flowers or fruits appeared.

The rosebush, who was very amiable, wanted to give him some advice. “ Look directly at the Sun,”  he told her. “This is what I did and I blossomed. I believe that you are a rose bush and that you just lack a little light and warmth to bloom ”. The plant listened to him and, every morning, gazed at the Sun for a long time. She was also trying to stretch so that her rays hit her more. But nothing was happening. No flower came out.

The parable says that the apple tree intervened next. “The rose bush has no idea what’s going on,”  he said. “In reality, you are like me, an apple tree. You only need to absorb more water. You will see, after that, you will bloom and see very sweet fruits appear. Listen to what I’m telling you, I know what I’m talking about ”.

The plant, which was now a small tree, listened intently to the apple tree. She thought he could be right. Therefore, every time it was watered, it absorbed as much water as possible. She was making a great effort but it didn’t matter to her. All she wanted was to give fruit. And, more than anything, knowing who she was. He was very attracted to being an apple tree.

parable of the tree


A parable about being

According to this parable, some time passed and nothing happened. The tree that did not know who it was gave neither roses nor apples. It grieved him terribly. What kind of tree could he be if he wasn’t able to flood this garden with beauty and fragrance? So what was his problem? Why was he unable to be what he was? He felt inferior to everyone. And said to himself that a tree that produces nothing, ultimately, is useless.

He sank into sadness, until one day an owl, the wisest of birds, came into the garden. He saw it so distressed that he landed on one of its branches and tried to strike up a conversation. The tree that didn’t know who he was told him the reasons for his sadness. The owl then asked for permission to inspect it carefully. The tree agreed and all the plants began to observe the scene with curiosity.

parable of the tree



After examining it from top to bottom, the owl returned to one of its branches. “I know what’s happening to you,”  he said. “You are not a rose bush, nor an apple tree, nor anything like that. You are an oak tree and you have no reason to flower or to bear fruit, like the others. Your destiny is to grow up to the sky and become a majestic tree. You will be the nest of birds, the refuge of travelers and the pride of this garden ”.

All the plants were stunned. The tree, which did not know who he was, then understood that he had made a mistake in wanting to be like the others. The rosebush and the apple tree were a little ashamed. They wanted to help him but could not do it because the rosebush thought like a rosebush and the apple tree like an apple tree. All, however, learned the lesson. And so this garden became the most beautiful garden on Earth, with a magnificent oak tree as a fundamental element.


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