The Last To Dream, Let Him Turn Off The Moon

The last to dream, let him turn off the moon

Dreaming is not just a children’s thing.

Few things define the human being as much as the capacity to dream, and to go beyond his immediate reality to fix his aspirations, his desires.

To dream is to touch the moon while having your feet on the ground every day


And you … Have you stopped dreaming? We know that there is no time when your eyes are not lost in the Hereafter, and the Spirit is not guiding your personal aspirations, your mute desires.

Children dream and act out their ideas and fantasies in each of their games. For our part, being required to maintain integrity and discretion, we dream in silence and with open eyes.

You will surely share the idea that human beings are made of dreams. In addition, we could say that our daily days are inhabited almost every moment by memories and aspirations.

This means that our mind, always restless and voracious, often makes us dance between the lived events of the past, to confront them with those desires of the future in which part of our happiness is also locked.

In a way, we always aspire to get certain things and experience more positive emotions than we lodge in our dreams, sometimes in an idealized form.

It is absolutely not bad to dream, because  we are all born with wings, these invisible members which guide us towards our projects, towards our castles in the air, on which we must build the foundations.

Dreaming to escape reality?

We’ve all done it some times, and that’s not why we should define it as immature behavior let alone pathological.



In those moments of our life cycle, in which we find ourselves entangled, even besieged by certain problems, dreams act as a loophole.

Living a difficult childhood, where the bond with our family is not tightened and where suffering appears, dreams often act as islands of peace in which to survive.

However, if there is something positive about just dreaming, it is that these dreams should help us understand that sometimes the reality we are experiencing does not make us happy.

If we dream to take refuge, it means that we are escaping from something, and therefore we have to be aware of it in order to “react”.

Any creature who lived through a traumatic childhood will surely have dreamed of a better future, a warm and caring environment. To happiness.

When the time comes, these dreams must serve as “essential engines” like powerful devices, in order to react and build one’s own path according to one’s desires and dreams.


Dreams are daily shelters, just like beautiful escape doors. However, we should not be eternal tenants of these islands of peace, of these perfect paradises. They must be like windows through which to lean in order to immerse ourselves in ourselves.
Once we understand what we need, the engine for change must run into our reality.



Dreams, aspirations worth fulfilling

Life is a continuous dream that we must seek to build day by day with happiness, optimism and energy.

The moment we “get stuck” in suffering, because of the problems that life sometimes brings us, reality turns gray and life stops being a dream and becomes a nightmare.

What can we do? Do we have to resort to drugs to relieve the pain of life?

It is impossible to find a single solution that will serve all of us, since we are all unique in our sorrows, in our personal sufferings.

However, . It is in your dreams that your personal aspirations are hidden, those which can build your true happiness. So why should we be ashamed of it? Why say that dreams are castles of smoke that belong only to children?

Take note of these simple tips :

You have to dream with your wings wide apart, with your mind awake and your feet on the ground. It means that our dreams must be achievable. It is not about desiring the inaccessible, such as having a relationship with this actor or actress, or living in a castle near a lake.

It’s about dreaming and yearning for things that correspond to what we really need and that can help us grow inside, and be happy.

Do you dream of a better job? Get it by using all your means. Do you dream of a partner who makes you happy? Start being happy yourself, then find the right person.

Never lose your innocence and your desire to rejoice for life. He who stops dreaming, who closes the flow of his dreams and aspirations, will know fear.

To dream is to rejoice in everyday life, while waiting for the best to happen, because happiness is hidden around every corner.

Don’t lose that inner child that allows you to see the positive side of things, the light of day, the smiles of people.

Rejoice, open up to the world and let it take you by the hand to show you the best in life.

Because the moon will never go out

as long as there are people who will continue to dream …



“If you have built castles in the air, your work is not lost; Now build their bases ”
(George Bernard Shaw)


Image courtesy of: Amanda Clark, Karen Jones Lee

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