The Art Of Being Wise Is To Intelligently Ignore

The art of being wise is to ignore intelligently

It is not the one who accumulates a lot of knowledge and experience who is wise, but the one who knows how to use everything he learns wisely, who is able to ignore everything that is not useful, everything which does not allow him to flourish and evolve as a person.

Ultimately, living is knowing how to sort and keep only what is essential. However, it seems that most of us do not apply this simple rule.

According to a study carried out by researchers at Harvard University, it has been proven that we have an amazing ability to focus on things “that are not happening”.

In other words, we worry about things that are not really important, and we undermine our ability to be happy and fully live in the moment.


The first rule of life teaches us that the wisest person is the one who knows how to be happy and eliminate from his existence everything that hurts him or everything that is not useful to him.



The art of knowing how to ignore is far from easy to apply on a daily basis. This is because ignoring often involves moving away from certain situations, or even from certain people.

We are then faced with a real act of courage, which is always preceded by intelligent discrimination. We invite you to read the rest of this article and think about this question. 

Ignoring is learning to prioritize

Happiness is the art of personal choice. We can get lucky at some point, but most of the time it will depend on ourselves and the decisions we make.

It is therefore necessary to look not only more positive on things, but also more realistic; that is why self-knowledge and self-esteem will always be fundamental.


Life is too short to waste time with bitterness and frustration: dry your tears, ignore criticism, and surround yourself with those who matter to you and who really bring you things.

How to learn to prioritize

To learn to prioritize, it is necessary to give everything around us its true value. Not that which they can have objectively, but that which we can accumulate according to our needs and our desires.

That is why we must pay special attention to the following dimensions:

  • If it costs us to choose between what is important and what is not, it is because there is an internal conflict in us between the things that we love and those that we know are suitable for us. . In addition, we are afraid of “going badly”, of “doing harm”, even of acting in a way different from what others expect if we dare to break the bonds.
  • When we are very stressed and anxious, it will cost us more to prioritize. Regain your calm, relax, and then reflect on situations and people of real value to you.
  • Think about what is important to you and not to others, do not fear criticism from others or what they may think because of the decisions you want to make.
  • Understand that prioritizing isn’t just ignoring what hurts you, it’s also reorganizing your life to find spaces for happiness.

Ignoring some people can be a healthy act

According to an interesting study, the results of which were published in the journal Livesciencie , personal relationships that cause us stress or suffering affect our mental health.

Our blood cortisol levels and blood pressure increase, so we can end up running the risk of severe heart problems… it’s not worth it.

Learn to ignore those who bring us nothing

It is not about resorting to ultimatums or blackmail. Knowing how to ignore is an art that can be carried out elegantly and without having to go to unnecessary extremes.

That’s why you need to consider these points to think about:

  • Don’t worry about what you can’t change: accept that that person you are close to continues to have that closed attitude, or that your co-worker is always so intrusive. Stop accumulating negative emotions like hate or frustration, and just accept them as they are.
  • Ignore criticism from others while building your self-confidence. It is quite possible that the reproaches will emerge when you decide to distance yourself from those who do not interest you. Strengthen your self-esteem, and enjoy every step you take in freedom, away from those who hurt you; this is a great personal victory.
  • When helping is a self-interested act: it is important to learn to discriminate against these supposed acts of altruism. There are those who sometimes tell us “ I do everything for you, you are the person who matters most to me” , when in fact, the balance of this relationship does not tip in your side; there is never a balance.
  • The lighter you are, the better off you will be. In life, it is better to rely on “people” than on “people”. Thus, you will advance in life with a light step; light of all anger, of all hatred, of all frustration, and above all of any person who, far from deserving of joy, deserves only pain and distance.


The art of being wise consists in understanding which links it is better to stop nourishing without suffering any load of conscience for having said “no” to those who are never afraid to say “yes” to us.

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