The 6 Most Effective Motivation Methods

The 6 most effective motivation methods

With the fall of the first leaves, it seems that our state of mind is completely collapsing. We can’t find reasons to be happy, we have a hard time falling asleep, and a lack of goals is starting to create a dent in our work. At such times, it is necessary to know the most effective methods of motivation if we do not want to fall to the bottom of the hole.

This feeling of demotivation and exhaustion sometimes occurs due to what is called asthenia. Fatigue, stress, and lack of motivation can be the cruel allies of emerging depression if we don’t try to do something about it. The influence of seasonal changes on your mood doesn’t have to be bad, as long as you know how to manage it with optimism and positivity.

The most effective methods of motivation are those where we really have to put our own money into it. It is not enough to say that we want to change habits: it is necessary to put theory into practice. We all have incredible strength within us, but it’s up to us to choose what to do with it.

woman with umbrella

6 motivation methods

1. Make a list of your short and long term goals

Balancing work with tasks, personal relationships, ambitions and rest is sometimes almost impossible. Sit down and make a list of what you want to be successful in the short and long term. As for the first, focus on things that are more realistic and accessible, and for the second, allow yourself to see the big picture.

Effort and determination are exceptional qualities. We all know that luck does not come by itself; you have to be ready the moment she finds you. Establishing a set of goals to achieve will keep you busy and push you towards a goal that can ultimately change your perception of things.

2. Act as if you feel motivated

It may sound silly, but it is entirely true. If you tell a child since he was little that he is an idiot when he is the first in the class, he will end up acting like one. The so-called Pygmalion Effect is responsible for getting the best and the worst out of each of us.

Behave as if you are truly in love with life. Be kind, think positively, and spread your joy around you. Even if you struggle at first and feel like you are acting hypocritically, eventually you will see that as you repeat these acts, they will have a positive impact on what you are planning.

3. Focus on what you are doing

Fatigue and lack of motivation very often come from overwork. One of the best ways to motivate yourself is to focus on what you are doing. Do not think about the next activity, nor the previous one. Also, don’t stop to procrastinate and wonder what you’ll do once you’re home.

Pay attention to what you have in front of you and give your best, as if your life depends on it. You will achieve dramatic results, eliminate that feeling of suffocation, and finish things much faster.

4. Use humor as a weapon

Laughing is one of the best natural remedies. This action releases endorphins, called the hormones of happiness. After a good laughter session, they are the ones who make you feel relaxed and positive, which obviously affects the way you look at things.

Surround yourself with fun people with a good sense of humor; go to the theater; go see comedies in the movies or watch one on television, or enjoy a good satirical book. You will notice that life is no longer as gray as you imagined it to be. Being happy is not an option: it is an obligation.

friends in the mountains

5. Consider a change of scenery

A change of air is never a bad idea. Make up your mind to do something spontaneous every day, something that is completely out of your routine. Listen to music you’ve never heard, travel to a place you never thought to go, have a surprise date with friends or, quite simply, allow yourself to eat something together. outside of your diet.

Monotony can be very dangerous. Try to keep your mind and your emotions going. Start studying something that interests you, allow yourself a whim, or dare to do something that makes your heart beat faster. It is never too late to start living.

6. Take care of yourself

Do you like to. But not only superficially and metaphorically. Take care of your body and treat it as if it were a temple. Set aside time to relax and not think of anything. Read a good detective story with a glass of wine, play sports and feel free.

Treat yourself as you have learned to treat others: with kindness, friendliness and courtesy. A lot of our problems are that we apply these standards to people in general but not to ourselves. Take care of yourself as much as you can.

Motivation can arise at any time, but for this it is necessary to be open to all possibilities. The most effective motivational methods center on how we try to maintain a positive attitude, motivate ourselves to do new things, or focus on goals. Following this set of tips can take a lot of effort at first, but anything worth it takes a lot of struggle.


Firewalking: a new but dangerous motivational technique
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Firewalking, or walking on embers, is a controversial motivational technique that has been in vogue for a few years.


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