The 5 Best Phrases Of Groucho Marx

Groucho Marx's 5 best quotes

Groucho Marx’s sentences are extremely numerous.  Some other people’s wit has even been wrongly attributed to this famous actor. So it’s very helpful to remember the excellent thoughts of this character who was able to transcend the big screen.

Groucho Marx has made a name for himself, in his most famous films, with unforgettable phrases like: Here are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others ”. A sentence which, beyond its humorous tone, hides a fierce criticism of the hypocrisy that reigns in a good part of the societies of the world.

So, due to the intelligence and bitter humor of this actor, we decided to compile some of his best quotes. Let’s see if we are able to find the fine irony of his sentences. But also the sharp criticism behind them.

“Sometimes it is better to say nothing and sound like a fool, than to open it up and confirm that you are”

It is always said, in a popular way, that “if what you are going to say does not improve the silence, it is better to be silent”.  Groucho Marx was apparently more acidic but also hit the nail on the head.

Marx probably did not mean that everyone is an idiot. His intention was certainly to remind people that a lot of people talk too much. Beyond what is strictly necessary. Therefore, if we don’t have much to contribute, it may be good to be quiet.

Groucho Marx and silence

“Marriage is the main cause of divorce”

Some people feel offended when they hear this phrase. Now, this is a great truth. If there was no marriage, there would be no divorce, would there?

Whether in cases of legal union or couples who are united only by feelings,  it is obvious that separation can only be done between two people who, in one way or another, are united at one point. And whose relationship ended after a while.

We tend to see divorce or break-ups as a disaster. However, that may not be the right way to look at it. We shouldn’t judge relationships based on how long they last, but rather on how good they are. A couple can be happy for a while, and for whatever reason, their members can see that their values, priorities, or way of thinking have changed. Everyone may therefore prefer to continue on their own.

“I find television to be very supportive of culture. Every time someone turns it on in my house, I go to the next room and read a good book ”

Groucho Marx was much more than a comic actor. He was also a great thinker and a great writer. He has published several books, such as the curious  Memoirs of a Lamentable Lover. So it’s interesting that a man devoted to the entertainment world has this image of television.

Marx believed that television was drifting towards low-quality programming and utterly hollow entertainment. His films were full of irreverent humor and fierce criticism, as we can see in a few of his key works like  Duck Soup. 

Groucho Marx on culture

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, giving the wrong diagnosis, then applying the wrong remedies”

With everything we have just quoted from Groucho Marx, who is able to cover up great social criticism in pills of sarcasm, there is nothing strange in seeing that politics is also one of his targets.

It is obvious that  the vision of Marx’s politicians was quite critical.  Look for trouble where there is none . Announce an erroneous diagnosis. Trying to fix it with the wrong methods in front of an audience. Here’s what their job was for him.

“I wouldn’t want to join a club that accepts me as a member”

This is without a doubt one of the best quotes from Groucho Marx. A sentence that is full of bite. It is a sharp criticism of hypocrisy, of that kind face that most people show but which bears no resemblance to their true intentions. One of the good things about Marx is that he starts by criticizing himself. Or maybe he believes he could never belong to a club because he says what he thinks?

It’s just five sentences among a sea of ​​other thoughts. We cannot forget, among the best phrases of Groucho Marx, thoughts like:

  • “Military intelligence are two contradictory terms”.
  • “The secret of life is honesty and fair treatment. If you can fake it, you’ve won it all. ”
  • “There are so many things more important than money in life, but it takes so much money to acquire them!”


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