Thank You For Being As You Are, And For Being Where You Are

Thank you for being as you are, and for being where you are

Thank you for always being there, thank you for not abandoning me, thank you for flouting all standards, for not running away from the slightest problem, for not having succumbed to expectations, for not leaving, for not to look for excuses and not to generate sadness.

Thank you for being the way you are, and for being where you are. Thank you, especially since I know that it is not always easy to play this role, to be a person-of-refuge, to have a steel heart.

Thanks to you, I was able to understand that sincere tenderness never disappears, that nothing is negotiable or conditional. You taught me that if you choose to be in one place, you can stay there for life.


Ever since I met you, I’m a better person

Having you by my side is such an exceptional gift that I need my whole life to keep you. Since I’ve known you, I’ve been a much better person, happier, more complete, with more will to live and less fears.

I love having someone by my side who knows my fantasies, fears, and demons.

I like that you know everything about me, and yet you decide to stay by my side. I love that you love me even when I don’t deserve it. I love that you made me understand that mistakes are part of our condition.

I like to move forward in life by your side, hand in hand, and understand that it is not as dark as some of my thoughts would suggest.

I like to gain new reasons to be a better person. I love that we are both united, and that from this union so insignificant in the eyes of the universe, incredible changes can be born.


Thank you for having been able to avoid my shipwrecks

Thank you for allowing sadness, despair and darkness to come over me. Thank you for giving me new reasons to move forward, for opening my eyes and for allowing me to discover that we all carry a world within us eager to be explored.

Thank you for forgiving me for my lack of punctuality, for sailing by my side, for leading me to the shore, for encouraging me to swim in the river of sacrifice, work and challenge.

Thank you for your confidence, thank you for making me dream, for making me capable of taking paths that I never thought possible.

Thank you for telling me, without saying a word, that there are bonds that can never be broken, that it’s not all about consumption, that there is no need to stand out in order to shine, that we are all unforgettable and that hugs are able to pick up all the pieces of our being in crumbs.

Thank you for being on the other side of our union, for reaching out to me, for not abandoning this bond that unites us to allow time to pass and that distance never separates us.

Thank you for recognizing in me the smiles of pain, for knowing when I’m not well, for understanding myself, for offering me comfort, for giving me oxygen, for allowing me to live again, not to suffocate me , not to demand anything, not to intoxicate myself.


The importance of meaningful relationships

Some people become our favorite havens, places we always want to come back to. Thanks to them, we have lived moments imbued with love, understanding and intimacy.

Some people really give us a second wind, allow us to breathe and fill our lungs with what is genuine and healthy.

These relationships help us move forward in life, not stumble in the face of its hellish pace and understand the path to take.

It is an incredible opportunity to be able to nourish us with their presence, their deep love and our common interests.

Everything is easier when you walk the path of life with a companion, when you know someone is waiting for you at the turn, when you know you are loved.

Meaningful relationships are those which offer us the perfect words at every moment of our life, which bring us the exact amount of kisses we expect, which are forged in reciprocity and gratitude, which leave room for each other’s essence, who show us the North, who are centers of love and who know how to comfort us.

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