Sincerity In Childhood Strengthens Emotional Intelligence

Sincerity is one of those values ​​that all parents want to pass on to their children. How to do ? What are the most critical moments in their development for them to integrate it?
Sincerity in childhood strengthens emotional intelligence

Imagine that a child breaks a plate, and that, quickly, his parent runs to scold him. The child then decides to lie to avoid reprimands. The climate created can end up being unbearable, and the sincerity of childhood is slowly lost as few children, just like adults, like to receive punishment or reprimand for every mistake they make.

What can we do ? First, know that promoting values, such as sincerity in childhood, is very positive for children. So much so that it even improves their emotional intelligence.

So, to prevent children from lying when they make mistakes or don’t want to do something, it is necessary to create a positive climate. This climate should make it possible to expose and discuss the problems and prevent each undesirable situation from becoming a tragedy.

We have given here the classic example of the broken plate. However, there are many situations in which a child may think he wins by lying. When he doesn’t want to eat something, when he doesn’t feel like doing his homework, when he doesn’t want to go to bed …

A man scolding his son.

The link between sincerity and emotional intelligence

Through honesty, children also strengthen their self-esteem. This is why it is important, as parents, adults or guardians, that we do not use lies to guide their behavior.

As children grow older, they learn the difference between lying and the truth. They can then discern that many of the lessons they received from their parents were not real; they therefore only understand these, and by extension the adult world of which their parents are a reference, approve of lying as a means of achieving goals.

From the age of five, the child is already able to be skeptical about certain statements that we can make. We are therefore at a critical moment when he will take us as role models. And it will be even more important after the age of eight, when he is able to distinguish intentional error from deception.

Once they start to see the possibilities of lying without at the same time understanding the damage it can cause, it can be difficult to turn back the clock. Human beings have very powerful mental mechanisms for not seeing what they don’t want to see.

This is why it is important to know certain elements that we can implement so that children follow the path of sincerity. And this, while accepting their mistakes and their limits.

Keys to Teaching the Value of Sincerity

Including assertiveness in raising children is one of the best ways for them to learn the value of sincerity. We can teach them that they have the right to demand the truth, that no one should lie to them or try to manipulate them. It is a right that also applies to others.

In their natural evolution, children learn to differentiate good from bad, to own their failures, to find alternatives to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals and, above all, to learn from love and sensitive understanding. For this, it is advisable to:

Do not judge

Children, especially when they are very young, don’t do anything with bad intentions. If we continually judge them, we block their opportunity to reason, reflect, and analyze if there are any hidden motives that perhaps escape us. What is behind the lie? Before judging, let’s study the situation and talk with the child.

Listen actively

It is interesting to listen carefully to the child, without being impulsive. This way we will understand them better and we can analyze if they are lying, if they are imagining stories or if they have a different intention than telling the truth.

Assertive corrections

There are many times when we will need to correct the child’s behavior. It’s normal, it’s part of their education. But we must be assertive, so that the child internalizes better and thinks before acting in the future.

Positive reinforcement

It is always important to use positive reinforcement. When the child acts correctly and sincerely, we will reward him, showing him how much we love him to do so.

In this way, we increase the likelihood that he will repeat this behavior or others that go in the same direction. It also reduces the likelihood that he will engage in inappropriate behaviors.

A father who congratulates his son.

For better or for worse, you are their role model: sincerity is key

Remember that as adults, parents and guardians, we are the example for children to follow. It will be useless to say a thing if we do not act on it. We ourselves must be the example of sincerity that the child needs.

It should be remembered that children tend to imitate authority figures above all, that is, their parents, teachers and older siblings. Let us always keep this responsibility in mind when acting in front of a child.

Remember that sincerity in childhood strengthens emotional intelligence. If you want your little ones to be independent, responsible and confident, they need to know their emotions well.

Emotional intelligence allows you to live better
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Emotional intelligence is not the key to everything, but rather a toolbox that allows you to better manage all situations in life.

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