Resilience: Being Strong Despite Storms

Resilience: being strong despite storms

There are people who are characterized by their great capacity for resilience.

They are those who use their ability to continue floating despite problems as a weapon, and who see difficulty as learning.

They know that immunity from suffering is impossible and understand that the storms that make our days dark are also opportunities to surpass ourselves.

They therefore arm themselves with courage and continue, with the mantra: “continue to grow, despite adversities”.

Be resilient day to day

Resilience is a concept that has acquired great importance in recent years, especially in the field of positive psychology, which has focused on the characteristics that allow people to overcome adversity.


When we talk about resilience, we tend to think of traumatic facts, like the loss of a loved one, survival after an accident or a situation of abuse …

But in our daily life, there are other complex situations that we must face.

You don’t need a disaster to happen. Overcoming any day-to-day difficulty like dealing with criticism, successfully surpassing yourself, or starting the day with a smile after a period of sadness is also being resilient.

We all have our own battles that we have to face and our own resources for it. You just have to find them out.

Characteristics of resilient people

There are people who are resilient because they have had a model of resilience in front of them, like their parents, a brother, a sister.

Others have learned to face it and find solutions on their own. They learned from trial and error, they grew strong through their own scars.

It shows us that resilience is a skill that we can all develop and therefore practice.

For this, it is necessary to manage our thoughts and emotions in an appropriate way. Channeling them by controlling them is fundamental.

In this article, we’re going to walk you through what are the main characteristics of resilient people so that you can start working on them.

They know how to adapt to changes

Resilient people, like rushes, have the ability to be flexible when the wind blows hard.

They know that going against circumstances will make them lose energy and they prefer to opt for an open mind in the face of different opinions and circumstances.

They break away from their old beliefs, prejudices and insecurities to dress in new costumes that accompany them during times of change.

They do not adapt out of resignation but because they know that there are other different worlds, which are not necessarily in error. 


They rely on their strengths

Resilient people know each other. They know what hurts them and what bothers them, and understand that the fundamental balance of their well-being lies in taking care of themselves.

Resilient people know how to identify their weaknesses but also their strengths to use them whenever necessary.

They use their desire to fight, their motivation, their efforts and their skills as cements to move forward.

They respect and consider themselves because they know that knowing themselves is the essential step to grow and establish healthy relationships with others.

They know that accepting is necessary to move forward

Resilient people know that acceptance is the perfect companion for advancement and change.

It is only when we accept that we can start working to make things better. If we deny the things that are wrong, we give them even more strength.

Resilient people know that to accept is to understand and to face. Never admit defeat.


They consider that no one is immune to suffering

Being resilient does not mean that we do not have injuries, but that in spite of ourselves, the adverse situation has taught us in a way.

We were able to accept the pain and instead of sinking into it, we opted for learning.

Resilient people know that sheltering and protecting themselves from pain won’t always work, because running away will keep them away from the possibility of understanding what is happening to them and therefore, of continuing to grow.

As you can see, being resilient can be learned and you can train. In fact, it should be a fundamental subject in school.

It is always good to learn strategies to improve yourself and continue to mature. Resilience is that ability that allows us to be strong despite the onslaught of the wind, adapting us as best we can to life’s challenges, such as loss, disappointment, trauma and failure.

You too are resilient, remember that. Have you never had to go through a difficulty in your life?

Think about it and remember that time when you were brave and when, despite the fear, you took a dip in the pool…

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