Remembering The End Keeps Us From Making A Fresh Start

Remembering the end keeps us from making a new start

I don’t understand how this could have happened. I can’t believe I left this place. How could it have ended then it was my whole life? These phrases might correspond to some of your thoughts right now: the ending is preventing you from considering a new beginning.

What is more, if ideas like these are circulating in your head, it is precisely because you are still living in the past and have not been able to overcome it. A story that ended but did not have its conclusion according to you or a city where you have exhausted all experiences but you refuse to recognize it.

However,  endings are nothing more than tangible proof of an experience that is part of us. They represent a farewell, yes, but they also show that we have experienced something that no one will be able to steal from us because this experience belongs only to us.

Ends are also beginnings

At this precise moment, you live in an extreme confusion, in a contradiction between the reality on the alert and your hopes. It’s completely natural and you have no reason to be ashamed:  we have all felt at least once in our life that what we wanted to see remained ended up evaporating.

“It might seem strange that a story begins at the end, but all endings are also beginnings: we just don’t know it as we read it. “

-Mitch Albom-

Still, when the end knocks on the door and we’ve spent a long time in utter confusion, it’s time to take the plunge. This impulse will help us get our feet back on the ground to begin to heal what has broken and to start on something else.

If something ends, why not start something else from there? It is about scratching the positive aspects that we have received through this experience which cannot continue.  The point is not to start from scratch but to start another story with the maturity gained from previous experience.

After a full stop, a capital letter

Ellipses that camouflage an endpoint are not healthy for anyone, bar none. If something can’t go on or if it’s time to pack your bags and go, there’s no point in inflicting so much harm on yourself by refusing to face it.

There are new stories to imagine, stories that lie ahead. They must also start with a capital letter. This is where we will succeed in seeing ourselves reflected in a mirror that will remind us that after we have gone astray and lost a lot, we can find ourselves again.

Julio Cortázar said that nothing is lost if we have the courage to declare that all is lost. So giving up is not an option when we are about to take an extremely difficult step to say goodbye to homes in which we can no longer reside.

“Do not continue to see only the end of the old streets

because the beginnings are where you leave them. “

-Maldita Nerea-

To be amazed means to start to understand

It will be hard, it will be strange, and you will need so much courage that you will have a hard time making it, but you are able to do it. It will be precisely  when you begin to be aware and wonder that the reflection of new opportunities will appear before you.

You will understand little by little, and it will be only when we have fully understood what is happening to us that peace will arrive. Ending, accepting, and going through an injury recovery process gives us well-being and, at the same time, improves our relationship with others.

Being at peace with yourself is the surest way to begin to be at peace with others. “

-Fray Luís de León-

Taking all of this into account,  can we remember our purposes? Yes, of course, but we cannot continue to live in them. They no longer exist, they are memories and memories are filtered and preserved. We are going to imagine other beginnings, we are going to look for a way to live in the present and to stimulate what it offers us.

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