Reading Also Gives Meaning To My Existence

Reading also gives meaning to my existence

I am a whole lot of things; I am the one who learns to live with humility and who gets richer every day, the one who advances on a complex path commonly called “life” and who tries to learn from her mistakes, her successes …

I surround myself with my loved ones, I take advantage of the present moment, I give myself permissions, whims, and I hold my reality tight in my arms, while reveling in these nights of reading that allow me to live other lives , to put myself in the shoes of others than me.

Books are also part of my existence.


Reading is a form of happiness that only the freest of minds can achieve, minds capable of leaving their daily worries aside to pass through the door of knowledge, passion, delight as well as the most sublime of mysteries.


Anyone who loves reading loves the smell of books, anyone who loves to read is always sad to finish reading a book.

But, this pain is only temporary, because once one has finished a book, there are still a thousand worlds awaiting us in these pages flooded by seas of letters.

You are your experiences and all your readings


Did you doubt it? The avid reader that you surely are must know that his identity, his personality and his reason for being are not only forged by experience.

The hours you spend reading have sculpted you to form the authentic person you are today.


Reading is a home with multiple windows. Those curious who dare to lean over these windows to calmly observe the view will understand that life leaves no marks of pain, but many traces of knowledge.


On the other hand, what we also know is how our love for reading was born.

Perhaps you have had a passion for the books that filled the shelves when you were children.

It is also quite possible that you will remain haunted forever by a particular book title, and that in some way, it opens the doors for you to the undisputed pleasure of reading.

In fact, very often, we think back with a particular tenderness to those first childhood or adolescent novels, to those unforgettable discoveries that forge the person we are today.

We know that we love to read, and that our house is very small in front of these towers of novels, but … Have you ever thought about what books do for you?

  • Reading is a form of daily freedom that offers us a refuge from stress or worries.
  • Reading is a very effective way to build up cognitive reserve.
    The next day, we will have a brain filled with multiple connections as strong as the most powerful of muscles, capable of reducing the impact of possible dementias.
  • The pleasure of reading is the best tool we can offer our children.
  • Books tear us away from tears and smiles, and even instill in us the pleasure of terror…
    However, we are grateful for all of these intense emotions, because they represent life, a part of our existence.
  • For many people who spend their days reading shy away from reality, but nothing is less certain. Rather, it is those who do not read who flee from knowledge itself, and who are slaves to their own limits.

Reading is an excellent daily therapy

At one point or another in our life, we all feel empty, we all go through difficult times and we are all taken by these existential doubts that we can not always resolve.

Books are an accessible source for many of these questions which can turn out to be real therapeutic tools.


If you have doubts, if you want to acquire knowledge, do not confine yourself to looking for the answers to your questions in one book; consult all those who are within your reach, and refine your critical sense.
Sometimes there is no one and only truth, but the one, among all those that exist, that we need at any given time, and that we obtain.


Reading is a way of questioning ourselves. Sometimes putting yourself in the shoes of other characters can help us envision situations, comments, and attitudes.

  • Life gives us experience and gives us lessons, but books are daily wells of knowledge from which we can draw information, data, but above all, emotions.
  • Every emotion that we feel while reading a book takes root in our brain and can last forever.
    Books teach us things, shake us up and sometimes force us to see reality differently.
  • Reading is also an invitation to live. While reading, we can get out of our daily sadness and finally feel curiosity about things that we had never considered before.

Books help children to mature, and adults to be children again. They are easy to carry, because we can slip them in our bag and read on the bus.

They are also the best friends of our bedside table, and our most faithful companions on our nights of turmoil.


Reading opens your eyes, turns your mind on, and makes your heart vibrate.

It is the noblest heritage that humanity has left to its own, and that we must in turn pass on to our own. It is an exciting adventure that never ends.


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