Mom, Thank You For Being Here Today, Tomorrow And Always

For a mother, distance doesn’t matter. Knowing how to be present is also having someone in your heart, knowing that you will always have the right word for each need, the most respectful advice and the most unconditional support in all circumstances.
Mom, thank you for being here today, tomorrow and always

Mom, thank you for being there in any way you can. Through unconditional support, absolute confidence, this look which, since my childhood, has given me security and encouragement to forge my way in life. The way I want and the way I choose. Thank you for being like that summer breeze which always offers calm, which awakens happiness and invites inspiration.

It is undoubtedly a gift that a mother gives birth to these sensations in us. Behind a “good mother”, there is in fact a wonderful person, someone with an exceptional human trajectory who knew how to take care of himself, who knows his values ​​and his goals to always give the best to his own children. .

Washington Irvin said that “a mother will always strive to dispel those dark clouds that from time to time hover above us, getting there little by little, peace returns to our hearts.

This is true, but in reality, if there is anything these women manage to leave a mark on what their children accomplish, it is to teach them to clear those momentary clouds themselves. .

Because mothers don’t just have this classic role of nurturing affection, love. They educate, correct, know how to set limits, inspire by example and do not hesitate to open the way so that at the right time, their children advance by themselves in the world to choose the destiny they decide for themselves. themselves.

A mother and her daughter forehead to forehead.

Mother’s Day, a multicultural origin

Mother’s Day is celebrated during the first days of May. For many, it’s little more than a marketing-focused vacation in department stores. For the others, a special moment to share with the family.

However, it is interesting to know that this day has been celebrated since the dawn of time. And, more precisely, since the Old Kingdom in Egypt.

There, the goddess Isis, creator of life, goddess of magic and protector of children and women was worshiped every year. Also in ancient Greece, there was a holiday related to the figure of the mother.

In this case, the Greeks worshiped Rhea, mother of Zeus, Hades, god of the underworld, of Poseidon, Hestia, Hera and Demeter. She was a titan and it was common for Hellenic culture to associate her with the Moon.

Later, with the arrival of Christianity, the festival began to focus on the figure of the Virgin Mary. However, it was not until the 19th century that the holiday was set for May because of two very specific characters, that of the American poet and activist Julia Ward Howe and that of Ann Jarvis.

They staged protests to reconcile the two sides in the American Civil War. Thus, they managed to bring women closer to all those mothers who had been victims of the conflict.

Each year, Julia Ward and Ann Jarvis brought them together again to make the event a vehicle for peace, hope and the defense of women’s rights. Both succeeded in establishing Mother’s Day 1914 in May.

Thanks mom for your help.

Mom, thank you for being there, thank you for being who you are

We already know that Mother’s Day is not a product created in a marketing and advertising agency. It has roots and above all an end. To value the figure of the woman, the one who fights for her rights, the one who defends peace, the love for her children, the one who is guided by firm values ​​…

In a way, many of us are familiar with all of these attributes. Therefore, we celebrate with them this day by thanking them.

  • Mom, thank you for being present with affection and intention in the most decisive moments of my life
  • Mom, thank you for being by my side even without being there. Because even if I don’t tell you often, I always have you in the back of my heart. From there you always accompany me, from this place you will always be eternal
  • I also thank you for teaching me to defend myself. To give me wings and not chains, to be a wind and not a moored anchor … I am what I am because you taught me that in this life you have to be free, but above all, you have to be responsible

Basically, Mom, thank you for being there, for being who you are… So, so enthusiastic, so unique, an expert to make your life easier by your side. To laugh at everything, to be serious when you play and to be for everyone. A role model and someone to love today, tomorrow and always.


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