May You Never Run Out Of Threads To Embroider Your Dreams

May you never run out of threads to embroider your dreams

Maturity has taught me what my priorities are. Today, I can take back the threads of my life with more courage and integrity because this time I will use colored threads to weave a much stronger, more dignified and more colorful existence.

Without there being any fixed age for it, there often comes a time when we take stock of the “fabric of life” that we have built so far.

All of a sudden, we realize that between what we are and what we do, there is a real gap : none of this pleases us or brings us happiness.

Our life paths sometimes form labyrinths of frustrations, fears and blockages in which we are constantly caught.

We are losing those colored threads which in the past embroidered each of our dreams and desires. It is then that uncertainty and fear that gnaws and erodes appear …

Is this the life that awaits me forever? Have all my trains passed yet?


The translators of dreams

The Senois are a tribe of Malaysia which has always fascinated anthropologists; psychologists and sociologists.

One of their very old customs is to get together as a family every morning to talk about dreams and nightmares that they experience during the night.

Far from giving this custom a magical or spiritual aspect, the Senois only wish to understand the needs of each person through these dreamlike images.

To analyze in depth what is exposed by each member of the family, this tribe lives on perched bamboo huts, to stay away from the earth, from the “physical”.

This practice is incredible because, according to what the studies of several experts show, the Senois are a very happy social group.

These cathartic meetings allow them to “pick up” the thread of their reality in hand in order to get to know themselves better. In this people, there are neither violent acts nor mental illnesses.


Surely you want to know what techniques the Senois use to face these fears that are often reflected in their own dreams.

If you like, there are interesting books such as “ Senoi Dream Theory: Myth, Scientific Method, and the Dreamwork”, by psychologist William Domhoff.

Here are some examples they use to help each other:

  • Any threat that appears in a dream or nightmare is a reality that you need to recognize and deal with.
  • Our dreams and goals lie behind this diffuse “monster” or “shadow” of the dream, and we must overcome it to find our way back.
  • If we dream that we are falling from a mountain or into a hole (images associated with anxiety), we will have to visualize, during the next two days, a fall in a soft and mellow field of flowers.
  • Here is another advice from the Senois: When we are dreaming and we are aware of it (lucid dreams), we should strive to make friends, to create bonds of affection.

Find the threads that embroidered our dreams

When uncertainty and ill-being assail us, and the gap between what we want to be and who we are grows too large, there is only one option: change.

Nor is it about triggering brutal transformations, because “tsunamis of life” do not always guarantee success. 

Rather, it is about allowing ourselves to let go more to give rise to small changes, new rhythms, new people, new thoughts.

All of this suddenly brings us dozens of colorful threads with which we can embroider those dreams that we had before, and which, for one reason or another, have been put away in the closet.

flying butterflies

Steps to initiate change and achieve personal goals

To generate change, no matter how small, we are forced to accept a moment of crisis.

These are the threads who resist, who persist and who plant themselves in our skin, to try to prevent us from taking the course we need.

  • Don’t be afraid of the pain of “pulling out”. There are threads that cut themselves because they no longer support so much weight.
    We must let them go to find others much more beautiful, which will embroider sweeter dreams. More beautiful projects.
  • Listen to your intuition, this dimension that connects directly to your emotions and to this unconscious that the Senois know how to interpret so well. He whispers to us truths that we do not always know how to listen to.
  • We need to know what we really want for ourselves. If you want peace, put aside what brings you torment.
    If you want love, love yourself first. If you’re looking for recognition, work on your self-esteem. If you want freedom, find the key to your chains.

The threads that embroider our dreams are now waiting for us in every corner of life, in the smiles of people known and unknown.

Believe it or not, there are still many platforms where trains named after us pass by, and it is never a good idea to be convinced by small minds that our dreams are too big for us.

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