Make Plans To Make Dreams Come True

Make plans to make dreams come true

Projecting the future is not easy, even if it is essential to move forward in life, and not to get stuck or stagnate in the face of a problem or a stage in current or past life.

To fulfill our desires, we must take a step forward, we must believe in ourselves, and direct all our energy into the realization of our projects.

It is therefore essential to solve the problems of the past, so as not to carry with us an unnecessary weight that will prevent us from moving forward, from the present to the future.

The weight of the past

To move forward, we must necessarily think about what burdens us, these burdens that we accumulate throughout life experiences, and which could prevent us from achieving the goals we have set for ourselves.

To do this, looking to the past becomes a need, especially when there are still subjects to re-situate or emotions to resolve.

And it is when this happens that we will allow ourselves to move forward unloaded, light and with the learning of all that has been experienced so far.


The need to look at the past 

We could say that contrary to what some people say, it is necessary to look at the past, not to suffocate, suffer or block, but to resolve unresolved emotions, to be able to have new experiences. , turn a page of our life, and to unlock what was keeping us in a state of stagnation.

In the past, we find the imprints of our path, those that lead our life to the most suitable path, when we define them correctly.

If we are aware of this, we will discover who we are, through our experiences and what we have learned along the way.

The encounter with oneself

To project yourself into the future, it is essential to be in connection with yourself, in peace.

And for that, it is fundamental to find oneself with its essence, to discover what will make us happy, our dreams and our deepest desires.

To succeed in this meeting, we must free ourselves from all that has limited us in life, from suffering, burdens and self-imposed limits.

Finding yourself is getting to the depths of your soul, to discover what we aspire to and to get to that, we must immerse ourselves in the emotions that block us or that make us suffer, to free ourselves from them. and move on.

From the present

Once we have freed ourselves from the accumulated burdens of the past, the suffering and blockages that stood in our way, we can focus on the present.

The future always begins in the present, with learning from the past. Living in the present is the only starting point to ensure that our desires come true in the future.

Poppy field

Every moment that we allow ourselves to enjoy is one more step in the right direction, which will undoubtedly bring us closer to our dreams.

Being happy in the present tells us that we are on the right path because it is easy for us to project our lives towards our true desires.

Projecting into the future

To project oneself means to visualize oneself, to mark a goal and to consciously and unconsciously seek the way to reach it.

When “we already see ourselves where we want to arrive”, it is because “we are on the path with all our energy”. Each success of the present will be identified as an additional step towards the set goal.

If our mind “can already see it”, it will be easier for it to find the way to get there, because it will seek, morning, noon and evening, the way to get there, and it will get there, no matter the weather. which he will need, because the search path will be worth it.

We can dive into our subconscious, through techniques that allow us to submerge and deepen our emotions, or through our intuition, discovering our inner guide that makes us make the right decisions.

Each step will come closer to our destiny and happiness, as we pursue our deepest dreams and desires, which we can achieve from the moment we project ourselves from the present, resolving the interferences of the past and putting all our energy in the path of success, without stopping.

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