Love Letter: Thank You For Being You

With you, life is more intense, more authentic, more sincere.
Love letter: thank you for being you

I don’t know when this story started, or how to explain all this confusion of feelings. And you, do you know it? It is difficult to put into words the mysteries of the heart and of love.

Maybe the words just don’t exist to define it all. I must admit to you that I am afraid of not knowing how to convey to you everything that invades me inside of me, but I know that when you look at me my eyes shine and tell you everything that I do not can not say or write. I want you to understand me and know everything you are awakening in me, that’s why I wrote you this love letter. Read it in silence, please.

The passing of time has led me to realize that life is full of surprises, from small details to big effects, but especially of people like you who give unexpected turns to our stories. Do you want to know why? Read on!

Neither you nor I expected each other. Yet that day our paths crossed. I don’t know if it was a coincidence, a chance encounter, or the result of a higher force, but we connected. And I’m not just talking about a few glances exchanged … I am referring rather to this sensation which radiates throughout the body and which intoxicates without really knowing how. I remember it perfectly. And from there it all made sense.

It didn’t matter who we were, what we do or what we talked about, since when I met you, it was as if the world around us had stopped spinning and time had stood still. It is not easy to verbalize this feeling, but what is certain is that I like it a lot.

love letter

I admit, you won my heart. Little by little, you have made a place for yourself in me, I cannot deny it. Your gaze has become one of my favorite hobbies, although sometimes I can’t help but look away when you lay yours on me.

I have to admit that I also really enjoy listening to you, because it allows me to get to know you better and, in a way, to feel like I am part of your story. I want to thank you for this, because from the start you had enough courage to show me not only your light areas, but also your shadow areas. This is worthy of admiration… I don’t know a better way to connect with someone than through the depths of their history, their wounds and their strengths.

Are you aware of the extent to which you fascinate and inspire me? Of everything you make me feel? I don’t think you can imagine it… You have become my point of inflection, the common thread of my feelings, this illusion that grows slowly to make the most of every moment. This love letter is proof of that.

You are so revolutionary… And for that, I want to say thank you. Thank you for being who you are, from the start, with and without fears, but above all, for showing yourself as you are. Sometimes sensitive, other times funny and overflowing with love, and still others a little stubborn, but you, always you.

Thank you, because when insecurity arises and fear begins to invade me, you help me dispel them. Even when I start to get tangled in their webs, you are able to pull me out of there by holding out your hand. Incredible, isn’t it?

You are my anchor when the sea rages, the spark that kindles the fire that burns in me and the touch of madness in my dullest days. The surprise that bursts into the ordinary and illuminates my life. You are the person who taught me that moving forward is more than putting one foot in front of the other.

love letter

Together, we have created this little universe from which we observe life from another angle, from which we fantasize through our dreams, we exchange our secrets and we confide in each other. It’s so magical… Do you know why? Because this universe is made of a part of you and a part of me, but also of another unique part combining them both, the one that reminds us that if one of us weakens, the other will be there to support him – in his arms – and help him keep moving forward. Simply. It is our puzzle, our labyrinth.

On the other hand, we have also created our own security chain. The one that protects us when ignorance sometimes wants to find us, the one that, when the outside tries to make us waver, actually helps us to be stronger.

It’s amazing, you are amazing, really. For some reason we’re here together, and I can’t stop saying thank you for making sure that we can meet, connect, and lay the foundation of our journey together. When love comes into our lives, it’s the least we can do: thank it. Because it’s up to us to take care of and maintain it.

Finally, I don’t want to end this love letter without thanking you for accepting me as I am, believing in me and being by my side, but above all, for being you. Don’t forget that your smile is my favorite image, and that my greatest desire is to see you happy… I love you.


I wish you to find true love, the one that gives you butterflies in the belly
Our thoughts Our thoughts

A little ode to love through simple and touching words, this true love that really makes us feel alive.

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