Living In Peace With Yourself, A Task That Should Not Be Ignored

When we feel peace within us, the storms outside are less frightening. Because we have faced our fears, because we walk without guilt, without hard feelings and without insecurity. Who would not like to achieve this psychological balance? Find out how to do it.
Living in peace with yourself, a task that should not be ignored

Living in peace with oneself has great positive consequences : satisfaction, inner harmony, good stress management and well-being that benefits body and mind. It should be noted that such know-how is not at all easy, and even less so in the midst of our complex world.

The days are more and more complicated. The noise is getting louder and louder. And uncertainty is an everlasting constant in which we dilute ourselves in the midst of anxiety and worry. It is quite difficult to take care of our inner selves when what surrounds us seems to be enveloped in an eternal maelstrom.

However, we must keep this in mind: now is the time to give our best. And this is only possible when we feel an inner calm, when the guilt is not heavy, when the fears, resentments or the shadow of the past that darkens our present are brought under control.

If there is peace in our minds and hearts, everything becomes clearer and we feel more confident to solve problems and move forward with more daring, humanity and security. It is therefore not a task that can be left on hold. So let’s see how we can achieve this very rewarding and healthy psychological state.

Living in peace, an important task.

How to live in peace with yourself?

The philosopher Emperor Marcus Aurelius said that “ he who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the world ”. This is a great truth that probably even he did not realize despite his wisdom and stoicism.

Achieving that sense of balance often forces us to put aside the accusations of conscience and the shadows of all those things that we haven’t done quite well in the past that still hurt us.

This mental hygiene, this ability to turn off the psychological and emotional black holes that rob us of our calm, forces us to face what torments us. Only then do we allow ourselves to be imperfect, finally forgive ourselves, or stop punishing ourselves for things we can’t control.

Living in peace with yourself doesn’t just give you spiritual comfort. It is not about cleaning up the sins of yesterday or stopping those inner battles that we sometimes wage relentlessly.

In positive psychology, the term “peace” refers to an intrapersonal mechanism with which we can achieve mental well-being and happiness. We are faced with a very useful psychological exercise.

Capaldi, CA, Dopko, RL & Zelenski, JM (2014) define it in a survey as a state of calm, serenity and mental tranquility that manifests itself in the absence of disorders such as worry, anxiety, hatred, regret, guilt… According to these authors, inner peace is achieved through emotional self-regulation. Let’s see what these mechanisms consist of to be able to live in peace with oneself.

Stop making demands on yourself

How do these demands relate to our peace of mind? Think about it: many of us apply this hyper-demanding approach in which we subordinate our happiness to a series of conditions or demands :

  • “I’ll be at peace when I have a better job.”
  • “I will feel in balance when I show my family what I am worth.”
  • “I will be at peace when I have successfully lost weight.”

These kinds of conditions not only rob us of our inner peace, but also subject us to irreparable suffering. It is therefore necessary that we stop placing so many obstacles on the horizon. Life is much simpler when we stop placing so many conditions on our happiness.

Validate yourself, consider yourself valuable

When we travel the world without the support of self-esteem, our inner world is full of emptiness and at constant war. We hope that others will recognize us, give us attention and positive reinforcement so that we can feel validated.

As you can imagine, nothing is more exhausting than asking for the attention of others. To live in peace with yourself, you have to be able to give yourself the affection and recognition that you expect from others.

If your self-esteem and self-esteem are strong, you will achieve that inner harmony where nothing is missing. This will be the moment when you finally stop expecting everything from those around you and understand that only you can meet your needs.

Living in peace means forgiving yourself.

Live in peace with yourself, forgive yourself

Forgive to free yourself. Demand your own forgiveness so that you understand that no one goes through life without making mistakes and that every mistake is learning and an opportunity to correct, make amends, and start over.

To live in peace with yourself, you have to understand that you are not infallible, that if you insist on being your own executioner, no one wins. You are losing a precious opportunity to show that you can be better. You are more than your mistakes yesterday, so do it, forgive yourself.

Calming the whirlwind of resentments and negative emotions

In the journey of life, it is not good to walk with a whirlwind in the mind and constant war in the heart. Resentments, frustration, anger generated by disappointments or hatred towards the one who has hurt us are clouds that darken our person. No one can find calm with this inner swell.

So don’t hesitate, resolve these internal dynamics. Turn off the hate, the anger, the pain of disappointment … Heal those emotions that continue to hurt you and make room for new opportunities and experiences. To live in peace with yourself, you have to untie the knots that prevent you from breathing.

Focus on these essential tasks today. Do not put off until tomorrow the mental calm that you can achieve today …

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