I’ve Always Been Strong, So I Broke Like Never Before

I've always been strong so I broke like never before

I have always been strong, serene, upright as a pickaxe and resistant to storms and blows, without asking for emotional asylum or the right to a hug.

I resigned myself to silence my sorrows and my demands, because even if I considered that failure was already assured, I was doing things as they should be done.

I’ve always been strong and that’s why I broke like never before. A day like any other, without being able to control it.

I refused to shed tears and somatized my emotions. They turned into what are called isolated symptoms of illness, even if I continued like this, considering that it was the price to pay for those around me who asked me, and always asked me for more, without giving me anything. exchange.

I did not put boundaries on the emotional help that others asked of me. My borders were wide and silky for others and yet my emotional space was turning into barren land with sharp barbed wire for myself.

My strengths offered to others, my patient ear, my eternal concessions became my particular emotional prisoners.

Everyone had the key to access my space and for me it was more and more necessary to go outside to catch my breath.

When I realized this, it had been a while since I had crossed the line of the human bearable. I continued to believe in staying strong, without being so.

Emotions that are minimized, giant holes in emotional health

Throughout life, I have killed hypocrisies, offenses and I have mutilated my need for tenderness.

When I wanted to get out, all my strength was outside of me. They had been acquired by different and isolated owners, who did not take them for a temporary help, but for their walking stick.

When people feel fragile, they break down because they are misusing their inner life. We break from the inside, vegetatively.

There comes a day when you can no longer stand up because the muscles no longer respond. Depression from accumulated stress. Or a panic attack.


One way or another, at times we seem to be disarmed with all our might and completely helpless in the face of what cannot be named or explained.

Our resistance always has a limit, the one we have not been able to establish with respect to others.

Sensitive but self-sufficient people recognize the signs of an impending emotional breakdown, before it happens.

Poor psychological education has consequences

In a recent study, the journal Annals of Internal Medicine explained the different strategies for treating depression and once again highlighted the poor educational work in some countries, such as Spain, and the lack of coordination that exists in treatment of psychological disorders by psychiatrists, psychologists and other health professionals.

This lack of coordination makes suicide today one of the main causes of death in the population. In addition, depression will be the leading cause of occupational disability within a few years.

High professional and social demands, coupled with a lack of education regarding mental health, increase the risks of an increased incidence of psychological disorders in the population.


This whole situation leads to a climate of ignorance, in which unqualified professionals appropriate treatment.

An intrusion from which the population suffers, tossed about by advertising that sells all types of inventions that claim to heal or help repair our minds, while they have no scientific basis.

Fall always lower and know how to ask for help

You have the right to be and to feel sad. You won’t always be strong. You have the right to impose your limits on the people around you, whether it is your spouse, your mother or your son.

You have the right to know your nature and to know that the human being has a complex emotional development.

You have the right to break into a thousand pieces and put yourself back together, it will always be better than collecting the pieces that others leave along your way.

You have the right to know how to take care of yourself, and that doesn’t mean being selfish.

Not always being strong and not having to endure the continuous attacks from those around us prevents us from settling into permanent weakness.

Knowing that you have the right to not always be happy with what is happening, to lose patience, is to love yourself and be assertive in protecting your space.

Knowing how to show yourself fragile in time is not to break yourself into a thousand pieces.

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