Interview With Miguel De Lucas: “we All Have A Magician Within Us “

With the illusionist Miguel de Lucas, we dive into the world of magic, this bridge to personal improvement and happiness. Because sometimes you can make the impossible possible, you just need to know how to start the path.

Writer Roald Dahl once said that a little magic is enough to go a long way. Miguel de Lucas, professional illusionist, speaker and TV presenter, not only made magic his way of life, but he is also a pioneer in marrying this art with the field of personal growth.

Magic is a bridge to make the impossible possible. It’s an innovative mechanism full of possibilities to become our best version of ourselves. To be more powerful, healthier and of course happier. This is what Miguel de Lucas aspires to make us understand in his book Hay un mago en ti (There is a magician in you).

During our interview with this magician, we discussed the concepts of magical thinking, visualization or motivation. Far from being simple tips, these concepts allow us to achieve well-being more easily.

Interview with Miguel de Lucas

Illusionist, expert in emotional communication, National Prize for Magic and Mentalism… Miguel de Lucas is known to many as the presenter of the program Un país mágico (A magical land) broadcast on Sundays on Spanish television 2.

What not everyone might know is that he published a book in which he explains how to live life through magic. One of the best illusionists of the moment helps us no more and no less to discover this inner magician that we all carry within us, and who can do so much for us.

Originality, inspiration, techniques, essential advice, personal stories… In Hay un mago en ti , we discover how magic and coaching come together to make us discover happiness. Here is our interview with Miguel de Lucas.

First of all, we would like to know how your interest in magic arose, when did magic enter your life?

Magic as illusionism came to me very young, influenced by the Aragonese magician Pepe Carrol whom I used to see on television in his many shows. This particular way he communicated really caught my attention. Later, Ana Tamariz’s school came to Madrid, and from there until now.

Magic and personal growth, how are they linked?

Magic is arguably the most effective way to see things that at first seem impossible become possible. The first step in achieving something, whether it’s on a personal or professional level, is to visualize it and imagine it as possible, and that’s what we do with magic on a daily basis.

What led you to write Hay un mago en ti ?

I had a great need to tell what was happening to me and to share my experience of anxiety and depression with everyone. I thought the messages collected in the book could help a lot of people. Sometimes when I close my eyes I dream that this book is helping people, at least to be courageous and naturally share going to the psychologist or psychiatrist.

Your book is an invitation to a magical journey into our interior, undoubtedly an interesting proposition. What should we take as luggage?

I believe in our own dreams and in this inner magician full of attitudes and skills. Anything that helps us make the trip happier. Everyone knows what to wear, but it is clear that, most importantly, people are similar, and affection, love and above all enthusiasm will help us a lot to feel good on this journey of life.

Q. For those who do not know the book, what will we find there?

A series of techniques, resources and tools from the world of illusionism that can be applied to both our personal and professional lives. Also a very personal story, which, like anyone else’s, has things more or less brilliant. A story told from the most sincere point of view of life.

It’s a very sincere, very personal book, because you tell us about yourself and your process of personal improvement. With this in mind: would you say that it is possible to overcome anxiety and depression and find a smile again?

Yes of course. We are genetically programmed to survive and to overcome disease is to survive. Besides, if I did it, anyone can do it. Sure, reading the book can guide and even inspire you, but no one better than you can help you come out of a gray world in search of a world full of color.

One of the most important keys to life that you mention in your book is persistence. Why ? How does it influence us and how can it help us?

It is the ability to go on and on until we get what we want. Obviously, with a good plan of action behind, unchecked power is of little use. This value can help us feel good about ourselves because we are aware of doing things and it makes us feel good. Finally, it is a value on which to rely to influence our objectives.

And what about positivism? Do you think a positive outlook is essential in life? This is a highly criticized approach today, so we would like to know to what extent or if you think there are limits.

For me it is, but I understand that there are criticisms in this world of personal development. I understand positivism as perceiving, and especially feeling the glass half full, and in that I do not think there is anything wrong, quite the contrary. I think from this perspective, it is easier to face the adventures that life has in store for us.

How do we connect with the best version of ourselves?

Well, there are several ways. I’ll tell you how I get there. It is a difficult exercise, but very exciting, it is to think until you manage to feel that there is something in you that pushes you to achieve your goals, that in you there is the possibility. to gain strength when you feel that you have nothing left.

This is possible with meditation, sport, but above all with a good realistic and motivating action plan. Once you’ve achieved your goals, this best version will grow until it’s unstoppable.

Can you reveal a tip for living life magically?

There are little tips that are interesting. I’ll tell you a few that help me. They help me to become aware of aspects related to emotions and intelligence.

For example: “when the emotion is strong, the intelligence is weak”. This means that sometimes we make decisions when emotions run high, and then we can make mistakes. By the way, in the book I reveal some of the tips that I think are the most interesting and special.

Finally, can you recommend a song to experience our days with enthusiasm and magic?

Without a doubt,  Shinova’s sonrisa intacta . It’s a hymn to life, to positivity, and to me it gives me a lot of energy. Hope to you too.

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