If You Walk Out Of My Life For No Reason, Don’t Come Back With A Bogus Apology

If you walk out of my life for no reason, don't come back with a bogus apology

How many people have you let out of your life, tired of listening to their excuses and justifications? Think about it.

We can fall once, twice, thrice, up to ten times, but eventually we’ll get up again knowing that ultimately the best for us and our emotional health is to let them go.

We never really understand what makes us allow certain people to come into our lives.

Some people specialize in the art of destroying us, giving us unwarranted disappointments and sadness, and making false promises.

If something is important to someone, they will do whatever they can to keep it, to take care of it. Otherwise, he will always find excuses to justify something that is feigned tenderness.

Do not allow anyone to play with you, try to warn them in time, and surround yourself with people who are genuine, straightforward and with integrity.

It is often said that bogus excuses are peculiar to mediocre people or worse yet, to people mastered in the art of lying or manipulation.

We do not know how the brains and the wills work of people who use this type of argument in their daily life.

What we do know is that the feeling that occurs in us is disappointment. Today, in this article, we want to think about this type of behavior, in order to understand them, to manage them and to know how to react, even if it is not always easy.

What is worse between a false excuse and a lie?


Think about it for a moment: what is worse between an excuse or a lie? In reality, both fall into the same category: that of lack of sincerity and courage.

When we find an excuse or lie, we are not sincere let alone courageous.

It is often said that human beings are very adept at finding excuses. There are some who use it as a religion to hide their irresponsibility and inability to act with integrity in the face of their thoughts and actions. This is why false excuses are often worse than lies.

There are clever lies and pious lies. There are even some lies that last a lifetime and never come to light.

However, false excuses and pretexts are often used as futile attempts at emotional manipulation.

Suppose someone who means a lot to us starts to distance himself without giving us good reasons.

He simply decides to disappear from our life. If a very intense emotional bond united you, you will have to recompose your heart and your existence piece by piece.

But it doesn’t end there. Shortly after, he returns, giving you a classic excuse: I needed time to think.

During the breakup, he / she realized what this relationship meant to him / her, or that other people were at the origin of this separation.

You may give him another chance and open the doors for him again.

But, who is used to bogus excuses will do it again. This is when it will be necessary to let him / her go. 

family reunion

What profile is behind these people accustomed to using false excuses?

  • The fear of taking responsibility. 
  • Fear of acting according to one’s thoughts. They prefer to hide reality with a lie, and find excuses to defend themselves.
  • The inability to take responsibility for mistakes.
  • The lack of consistency in the face of personal ideas and feelings. Sometimes it shows a certain personal immaturity.
  • There are people who lack self-control and cannot manage their emotions well.
    They act on impulse without thinking about the consequences and then they hide behind pretexts or false excuses.
  • Lack of self-esteem, and adequate self-control. They do not manage to take care of themselves because it takes effort and energy.

Immature behaviors that resort to continuous excuses can change as long as these people are able to develop the following attitudes:

  • Put an end to evasive behavior.
  • Self-discipline.
  • Persistence and a deep inner knowledge.
  • Consistency.
  • Self-responsibility.
  • Respect for others

Zero tolerance for false excuses, friends of lies


Whoever walks away for no reason lacks the courage and sincerity to explain the truth. What good are bogus excuses if we know they’re just covered lies?

We must let go of those who have never done anything to stay and who have given us false hopes, half-truths and a deficient love that has filled us with disappointments and sadness.

Throughout our life we ​​will be confronted with many lies.

However, we will never use them to coat what we really feel let alone hurt someone.

If in your daily life you feel that these people who appreciate you are specialists in the art of cunning and torture, think about it and ask yourself how you feel about them.

If they put your integrity at risk and your heart begins to unravel, practice zero tolerance for false excuses.

Stay away with reason and do not look for your own excuses, for he who hurts does not deserve you … Here is the real reality.

Images of Ellina Ellis

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