I Have A Feeling That One Day Everything Will Fit Together

I have a feeling that one day everything will fit together

I have the feeling that one day everything will fit together, that each effort will find its favorite little corner and that all waiting will have its reward.

Because trusting our intuition is listening to the voice of the soul, the wisdom of our unconscious connected to the world and our essence.

We’ve all had a hunch before. It is not magic, it is not foreknowledge, nor a crystal ball revealing the future to us.

For Daniel Cappon, a famous psychiatrist at York University in Canada, foreboding is the crown of human intelligence, a concept discredited but which, in reality, is responsible for much of our survival as a species. .

Trust your intuition and listen to this hunch that races your heart and tells you that one day everything will fit together in your life, because sometimes two blindfolded eyes see more than a blind mind.

Whenever we explain to someone that we have a hunch that something is going to be okay, the person responds with a skeptical smile.

But, before we fall into criticism or mockery, we should understand what the ends of these inexplicable and sudden sensations are: to make us make a quick decision based on our underlying data and experiences that lie in our consciousness.

A hunch is nothing but our instinct to turn on the mirror light to alert us to something.


The anatomy of foreboding

Malcolm Gladwell, author of the book “Intuitive Intelligence” tells us that forebodings are the voice of intuition.

If for many of us, this word causes a certain suspicion, it is because of its supposedly supernatural character. We must therefore “dissect” it to better understand its fascinating anatomy.

People tend to have more confidence in their conscious, reasoned, and deeply thought out decisions than in their hunches.

However, a large part of our reactions are rather due to what is called “instinct”.

We are purely emotional beings, and since we do not always have time to set in motion a detailed analysis of everything that happens to us when we have to make a decision, we resort to the voice of consciousness: hunch and l ‘intuition.

Human beings store much of their knowledge in the subconscious, where the emotional world, the instinct and the root of all our experiences subtly combine to distill what is called intuition.


So much so that according to an article published in the journal “Psychology Today”, forebodings are our best daily compass, because they allow us to act in accordance with our true identity.

How to understand forebodings?

The forebodings are often accompanied by various physiological sensations: chills, goose bumps and above all, that classic “knot” in the stomach.

Michael Gershon, researcher at Columbia University in the United States and author of the book “The second brain”, tells us that it is precisely in the stomach that there is a large network of nerve cells that connects to our brain. emotional.

This sudden physical sensation that comes with the foreboding is nothing but the voice of our emotions, which alerts us to something.

By now you may be wondering how to better understand our own forebodings. Let’s see this in detail .


Keys to deepen our forebodings

Doctor Daniel Cappon, quoted at the beginning of this article, has published a very interesting book entitled

  • Our unconscious is like an inner computer capable of stealthily opening up between the darkness to give us information. We must be able to understand any sensation, given or inference that it sends to us. 
  • Not all forebodings are valid, it must be taken into account. Their purpose is to think about something and then decide.
  • Intuition, like hunches, are very common in creative people.
  • They have nothing to do with gender, men and women can be just as intuitive as each other and have the same number of positive and negative feelings during the day.
  • Hunches often appear in our brains during quiet moments, when we finally manage to disconnect from outside noise and harmonize with our heart and our emotions.

Intuition, as well as forebodings, are direct doors to our wise unconscious, often outraged by a society which emphasizes only the quantifiable, the concrete and this left hemisphere which governs logic-mathematics.

However, from time to time listening to these forebodings which disturb our mind and which demand their right of recognition, can be crucial in a life.

Intuition is the lucidity of experience, what the heart knows and reason ignores. 

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