How To Deal With An Anxious Person?

How to live with an anxious person?

Anxiety is a difficult problem, not only for the person who suffers from it, but also for those around him.

You can’t always classify an anxious person as if they have an illness, but knowing how to live with it is important. 

It can be something exhausting, taking too much energy and not all of us are willing to spend our lives with someone demanding, who gets angry or frustrated easily, who talks badly when the going. do not turn out as he would like, and that can make us feel guilty about everything.

Anxious people tend to be very impulsive, talk without thinking, don’t plan things, and have problems in their intimate relationships (couple, friendship, and family).


If you live with someone whose anxiety is beyond normal limits, don’t make the mistake of leaving and leaving them alone with their problem.

If this person is important to you, you may be able to stay with them, using some of the ideas that we are going to give you in this article.

This doesn’t mean that you have to say yes to all their requests, but maybe you need to understand that an anxious person has an imbalance and most of their reactions are not rational. Putting yourself in her shoes will help calm her down.

How to improve cohabitation with an anxious person?

As in every relationship, the key is in the sense of understanding. Pay attention to these tips that can help you coexist with this anxious person:

Take into account that behind anxiety there is something hidden.

Surely, your partner, friend or child has a lot of good things in their personality that can counteract the bad effects of anxiety.

We all have times in our life when we feel more nervous, and times when we are more peaceful and in love.

So, it is important that you look behind the anxiety at what can be valued and that you highlight the positive qualities of the person.

Always seek tranquility

When we are anxious, our brains are unable to rest or switch off. We are waiting for what happens in the surroundings, and we cannot remain quiet.

This state is very overwhelming. If in addition to that, we live in a hostile or “brittle” atmosphere, things do not improve. How do you feel about inviting your spouse or friend to the countryside or to the beach this weekend?


Make him feel understood

It is not enough to say to him “I understand you”. It is important to support it in a more active way. This means that when he is going through an episode of anxiety, he must be helped to think more rationally.

Together it is possible to draw better conclusions and solve many problems, and the anxiety will go away!

Don’t put pressure on him

He has enough to do with his own demands. If in addition to feeling overwhelmed by the situation, by his nervousness and anxiety, the person he is living with adds responsibilities to him or demands that he calm down, things will not work out.

Do not constantly say “forget”, “relax” or “sleep” because the more you give orders, the worse it will feel.

Celebrate the small changes

If you appreciate the other forcing themselves to lower their anxiety levels and the results are there, praise them. Tell him he’s doing well, make him feel supported and recognized for his efforts.

Be patient, especially when improvements are small and slow. Remember that any change is good and welcome, no matter how small.

Discuss the topic with the person involved 

There is nothing more liberating for an anxious person than talking about their feelings. Maybe just having a conversation about the topic will allow the anxiety to give way and subside.

If he asks you to speak, do not refuse him, for it may be the oasis he needs in the middle of the desert.

You can also sometimes ask him if he wants to chat in order to strengthen your relationship. If he prefers to do it at another time, let him decide. Remember that active listening can be great in many cases. 

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