Have Confidence In Yourself, You Are Surely Worth More Than You Think

Have confidence in yourself, you are surely worth more than you think

Maybe this is the consequence of this society where everyone always compares themselves to everyone else, but we often heard: “ You are not worth enough”, “You are not going to get there” . Before starting, we are already able to visualize the failure. This happens in important life situations but also, to a certain extent, in the smallest situations, which are moreover those which affect the most because they are frequent. We come to think that we are not good enough to achieve our goals.

“You have to have faith in yourself. This is where the secret lies. Even when I was in the orphanage and roamed the streets looking for something to eat to live on, even then I considered myself the greatest actor in the world. Without self-confidence, you are destined to fail. ”

-Charles Chaplin-

If you’ve ever felt this way, thought you weren’t strong enough to achieve your goals, then know that is not true. This appreciation of yourself is not real: you are worth more than you think, you know more than you think, and you are more important than you imagine.

You are worth, you know, you are important

Even if it was not always clear, today we know that the belief that we can have in something is the only thing that can enable us to obtain it: the vital and indispensable starting point. In this way, we came to learn that being sure of ourselves turns us into a person who accepts risks and fights against his fears.


Thus, desires must overcome the panicked fear of failure, for there is nothing that “is not done for us”. Holding onto negative thoughts about yourself gets you nowhere. This is how we learn that stopping in the face of doubt, feeling compassion for oneself or feeling ashamed are only ways of moving away from our goals.

“Your desire to be successful should always be above your fears of failure.”

-Bill Cosby-

The mind can lie to us, it is true. In fact, he often does and is very skilled at it. It can turn us into a predator, an incapable, a clumsy or an incompetent even if it is not true. What is real is that  if we give ourselves the opportunity, we will realize all the positive qualities that we have that make us unique to the people around us.

I stay with myself

Some of my decisions and some of my doubts about my worth, which have undermined my self-esteem, have come up against very complicated challenges. Others, on the contrary, because some people left my life and because I could not see the real motivation. So much so that I ended up pointing the finger at myself as being the culprit of this estrangement, because it was an explanation which suited very well to the sadness that I felt.


Finally, I realized that the reason was not that I lacked the value to stay in their lives, but that for other reasons, the time we had spent together was over. We learn that if it is not us, it is who; and if not now, when.

“Life is not easy for any of us. But whatever ! You have to persevere and above all have confidence in yourself. You have to feel good to achieve something and achieve that thing, no matter what. ”

-Marie Curie-

You have to persevere, you have to love and trust yourself. It is about being the best friend you could have for yourself and not the enemy who doubts your possibilities. You already have enough with those that make you think you can’t. Use a megaphone and shout out to others what you are worth. Give yourself an opportunity!

Thoughts That Will Keep You From Underestimating Yourself

Even though you have been told a thousand times that we are worth gold, sometimes a tough day strikes and we need to be told once again. And who better than ourselves for that? Here are the phrases you can repeat to yourself when your confidence falters:

  • I will always love myself more than I can ever hate myself.
  • No one can make me feel inferior without my consent.
  • I have to hope for things from myself before I can do them.
  • I’m going to talk to myself like I would talk to someone I love.
  • There are more beautiful things than bad things in me.

Always remember that good self-confidence will help you channel criticisms and failures in a healthy way, while decreasing the damage they can do to you. Plus, hits will leave wounds less deep and you’ll have a solid pillar to lean on any project you start.

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