Do You Know How To Apply Psychological First Aid?

Do you know how to apply psychological first aid?

The aim of psychological first aid is to reduce the emotional anxiety caused by traumatic events. Supporting victims to enable them to strengthen their capacity to cope with the situation that threatens them is an essential step in ensuring the fastest possible future recovery. Initial support is essential to reduce the impact of devastating events.

The basic principles of psychological first aid

To bring psychological first aid to people who need it, we need to know the five pillars that structure it. Obviously, this first aid should only be provided by a private individual if there is no professional on site. They make it possible to reduce the traumatic effects of a critical situation. So here are the five principles you need to know.

  • Allow free expression. We must not focus the conversation on what just happened and let the victim express himself as he pleases. It is not strictly speaking a conversation, since it is necessary to allow the affected person to speak immediately about what has just happened. What victims need is to feel surrounded and listened to.
  • Listen responsibly. The victim does not need advice, let alone sermons. If you are not a mental health professional, it is best to limit yourself to listening and intervening only to support what the person is expressing. Now is not the time to be directive, you should only accompany the affected person.
  • Accept what the victim says. You must be prepared to accept whatever the victim tells you. It is possible that her statements are vague or delusional, that her feelings do not correspond to the situation she has just experienced. Under no circumstances should you judge their absence of apparent fear in the face of the traumatic event or of sadness in the face of the loss of a loved one.
  • Bring trust and empathy. Show the victim that you are with them and that they can count on you, that you are there to support and help them. Don’t judge her and give her all the support she needs.
  • Give information. It is important that you make yourself available to the victim to provide them with all the information they need. Whether it is communicating the list of injured people to her or talking to the doctor who takes care of her. Until the arrival of a professional, you must be the only person who takes care of the victim, his only means of communication with the outside world.

The psychological first aid protocol

As with physical first aid, there are specific rules governing the behavior to be adopted in the face of a psychological emergency. For the moment, the steps to be followed have not been established in an arbitrary manner by the public authorities. They are the result of the experience of professionals who have spent their lives studying the effects of the different types of possible interventions in emergency situations. Here is the protocol that you will have to follow if you find yourself facing such events.


psychological first aid
  • Establish contact and proximity. Do not hesitate to introduce yourself, if you do not know the victim. Tell them why you are there, invite the person to sit down, and assure them that you will protect their privacy.
  • Provide security and relief. Above all, you must guarantee the physical safety of the victim. First, make sure it is out of range of the present threat. Then let her know what you’re going to do. Then, make sure that she does not suffer from any physical injuries that require emergency care; otherwise, quickly find a health professional. Then allow the victim to get comfortable.
  • Stabilize. Your goal should be to prevent the victim from shutting down all lines of communication. She must maintain a certain bond with you, even if it is diffuse. If the person is very agitated, ask them to look at you and listen to you. Explain to him everything you are going to do to help him. Ask the victim to do breathing exercises, so that she can calm down.
  • Collect as much information as possible. You need to ask the victim how she is feeling, what she wants and what she needs. Give him enough time to answer you, don’t put pressure on him. Just let him know that you are available to him. Be concerned about his medical condition. Keep in mind that people in shock are not only disconnected from the outside world, but are also unable to feel the pains that in other circumstances would worry them the most. It is also possible that the victims do not dare to seek treatment because they do not want to pass in front of other people who need it more.
  • Offer practical assistance. Based on the information you collect, design an action plan and take action. You will need to call the emergency services, take note of the victim’s needs and respond to all of their requests, as much as possible.
psychological first aid

Psychological first aid helps reduce the negative impact of a traumatic situation. Your main task, if you find yourself facing these events, is to facilitate the intervention of health professionals with the victim in your care. You have to make the transition from the event to the actual care, that sort of in-between that is critical. You have to act as a link.

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