Begging Love Is Not Love

Begging love is not love

Begging love is not love, it is a lack of dignity and respect for oneself.

Because when you love a person, you take care of them and you do everything in your power so that they do not suffer, you are never the source of the pain.

So if you don’t protect yourself from this “false love”, if you don’t avoid suffering, then you don’t love yourself.

So, loving yourself is the first thing to do to experience love in fullness, so as not to fall into manipulation, abuse or victimization. You probably think and feel that suffering is inevitable, however, it is not certain.

Any human being is able to surpass himself, to prevent others from playing with his feelings and to say that a relationship does not deserve it because it does not offer him happiness, nor joy, nor fulfillment.

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The pain of loving someone who doesn’t love us back

Realizing that the person we love does not love us back and shows us no signs of affection or tenderness requires respecting our time of pain, which requires space for understanding what they are. happens to us.

Suffering for love requires reflection and overcoming, because the anguish of realizing that a person does not love us makes us feel something that is devouring us from within.

We feel that this “ non-love ” betrayed our feelings and made fun of our ability to love.

It is essential to take time to be angry, to deny reality, to hope, to be appalled, to hit rock bottom, to realize all that is broken in us and all the parts that are. remained intact, to repair the feelings found, etc.

All of this is essential in order to love ourselves, to feel important and to value ourselves. Ultimately, when we leave behind a “non-love”, a process of emotional freedom begins in the well-being of being able to say goodbye to suffering.

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Lack of interest kills tenderness

Love must be shown, not begged. To do so is to submit to our capacity to love the worst torturer: indifference. Indeed, indifference lives on imbalance within a relationship and is maintained thanks to the fragility of the basic cements.

Thus, we realize that all relationships are not true love, that loving does not always obtain reciprocity and that to be happy as a couple, the two members must laugh together, be accomplices and good lovers.

Only in the absence of lies, excuses and disinterest can be created a love which bases its freedom on healthy and non-submissive behavior. We deserve a relationship that is based on complicity, esteem, time spent together and mutual affection.

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It is important to take care of your self-esteem and to love yourself

No one can make you miserable without your consent. To build a happy relationship, it is necessary to love and value yourself. In other words, you have to prove to yourself every day that you love yourself.

Once you get there, you’ll be ready to stop looking for people who don’t regret you and show no interest in you, and no longer submit to the indifference that forces you to bow under ignored messages or unfounded silences. .

It doesn’t matter which relationships disappoint you, it doesn’t matter whether you feel like you are alongside the love of your life or don’t believe in undying love.

True and indispensable love is love of oneself. And it is once you feel that way that you can assert what you deserve and what you don’t.

Images courtesy of Benjamin Lacombe.

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