Loyalty, The Value Of Being Faithful To A Few Principles

Loyalty cannot be imposed, it is an act of freedom where everyone chooses to whom or to what they offer their commitment, respect and affinity. Ultimately, no one can show steadfast respect towards others if they don’t respect themselves.
Loyalty, the value of being faithful to a few principles

Loyal people are, above all, honest people. They let themselves be guided by a code of values ​​that translates into a respectful commitment to others. For these people, there is no room for betrayal, lies or self-interested behavior. Loyalty is, without a doubt, an interesting and profound concept that goes far beyond trust.

Anthropology gives us interesting information about the origin of loyalty. Loyalty would once have been a survival mechanism. In the context of our ancestors so unfavorable and filled with dangers, receiving help and support from members of a group was the key to survival.

Today, the context is not the same. Nevertheless, and in a way, we still need this bond of closeness and the safety of significant people to feel good. Loyalty is offering others attention, respect and ongoing commitment without betrayal. A loyal person has no hidden interests or dual intentions.

Some consider loyalty to be almost utopian, a dying good. Beyond what we can think of, this dimension continues to be present in the hearts of many people. On the other hand, we have to make sure we know what loyalty is, because it is very likely that we fall many times in certain dynamics where this principle is manipulated. Let’s find out more details on the subject here.

Loyal people, what are they like?

Loyalty within a group of friends

Seneca said that loyalty comes from trust, but as we told you a little earlier, the roots of this concept are deeper and more complex than that.

Loyal people are, above all, people who respect their own principles. These principles form the core of the behavior of loyal people: it is a question of always acting according to its values, of being faithful to what one considers correct.

Loyalty is making a commitment to do what we think is right

The term loyalty comes from “legal”. This term therefore implies the notions of righteousness and commitment: to do what seems correct to us in all circumstances.

What does this mean in the relational field? Loyalty involves, for example, continuing to respect someone with whom you no longer get along. We will not reveal its secrets then. We will not do anything that could harm that person.

Beyond trust, there is loyalty. Even if trust disappears and the bond is broken, a deep respect remains, a virtue no doubt as noble as it is desirable.

Loyal people are not by obligation, they respect their own principles

Let’s face it, loyalty is a quality that is demanded of us in many contexts. In the professional environment, we are expected to be faithful to company policy, directives and standards. Our family also expects us to have the same values, that we respect certain customs, certain rituals …

This is arguably the darker side of loyalty: trying to force certain commitments. This gives rise to an alienation of behavior which weakens self-esteem.

  • Keep the following in mind: loyal people do not act out of obligation. They are not loyal to their family, partner or friends because these people force it on them.
  • Loyal people act freely according to their own internal standards. Their actions are consistent with their feelings. There is total harmony between what they feel and what they do
  • There is no submission or alienation : true loyalty is living in accordance with your own principles at all times. This means, for example, that a loyal person is not necessarily loyal to everyone, not if some people demand behavior that goes against their beliefs.

Loyalty and sincerity: a loyal person is sincere, not condescending and helps us to grow

Two friends talking

Loyal people are not condescending people. These are not people who say yes to everything. Who never dispute anything. Who support us whatever we do, every decision and every behavior, no matter how questionable they are.

To be loyal is also to be sincere and to be actively involved for your well-being and the well-being of others. This means that if at some point it is necessary for someone to bring us back down to Earth, the loyal person will. It will help us to open our eyes so that we contemplate reality as it is. This is because loyal people let themselves be guided by firm values, and because they are far from being passive or submissive.

Thus, those who wish us the best will not hesitate to represent this support capable of speaking the truth, even when the truth is hurtful, and to show us our mistakes as well as the opportunities for evolution.


In short, as you will now understand, loyalty is a concept that can be qualified. No one can force us to be loyal. This concept does not come from the outside: its origin is internal and refers to a code of values ​​based on respect and integrity that we build throughout our life.

Loyal people don’t stop at words, because loyalty is practiced every day and in all circumstances. Let’s think about it.


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