Alice’s Philosophy Or When You Think You’re Living In Wonderland

Alice’s philosophy plunges us into an unrealistic, childish and naive world in which everything is great and wonderful. In this world, difficulties do not exist. However, this way of thinking can present many dangers. In particular that of sinking into deep frustration when we see that the reality is quite different.
Alice's philosophy or when you think you're living in Wonderland

The reality is sometimes so complex and painful that as humans we have no choice but to protect ourselves behind armor. This shell can initially allow us to support what is happening around us. It can also cut us off from the reality of our world; this is what Alice’s philosophy is all about.

People have the capacity to think. This faculty, when properly used, is a very valuable asset. It got us to where we are today.

Thought makes us evolve and progress. It allows us to ask ourselves questions, to discover and to perform wonderful actions. The problem arises when this ability is not exercised effectively and we fall into biases or ways of thinking that prevent us from moving forward.

A woman believing in the philosophy of Alice who turns her back on reality

What is Alice’s philosophy?

Alice’s philosophy could be seen as an illusion. It is a way of thinking where the person conceives that all is well, that he is living in Wonderland and that it will always be so. It is a way of turning one’s back on reality, which, as we well know, also conceals its share of obstacles and difficulties.

Being optimistic is not in itself a bad thing; it is the illusion that is dangerous. However, it is much more important to be realistic. Indeed, perceiving reality in a way that is close to what it really is, helps us to mature and to establish strategies to overcome adversity.

If we think like Alice and if we believe ourselves in Wonderland, it is difficult for us to realize the real world. Therefore, it is also impossible for us to behave appropriately.

Alice in Wonderland ?

Is reality really a long quiet river? Are we living in wonderland? Not really. When Lewis Carroll wrote the story of Alice in Wonderland, he chose as the main character a little girl who, after going through a mirror, found herself in an inverted reality, a different reality. Without having to face any kind of adversity, it just got there. In this new world, everything seemed to be going well. So it was indeed a wonderland.

This type of thinking is akin to utopia. The difference is that utopia is aware of the obstacles that exist on the way.

Utopian thought or Maoist thought also pursues an ideal world. Thinking that another world is possible involves, contrary to Alice’s philosophy, knowing what the challenges are and how to face them.

Utopian thought becomes aware of reality and does not exclude struggle as a means of achieving it. This makes it possible to rethink the consequences of projects and to envisage changes. Moreover, utopian thought knows that error is possible. Simply because it is part of everyday life. In Alice’s philosophy, however, this idea is absent. She crosses the mirror. Just like that. And this makes it possible to reach an imaginary world without hindrance.

A man reflecting on Alice's philosophy

The dangers of Alice’s philosophy

For some time now, it has been common to find self-help books that are full of extremely triumphalist and positivist phrases. Some of them present views on reality that are not always consistent.

There is thus a kind of “ode to happiness” which encourages us to always be happy. And this, in all circumstances. Moreover, it must be so now and forever. It makes us think that life is wonderful and that if we think this way we will attract whatever we desire without much effort.

If this does not happen, and it often does, then we are plunged into an unexpected adversity that is difficult to cope with. The risk of suffering a great disappointment is then present. It is even possible to sink into depression. So we need to change this kind of prejudice and false hope so that we can achieve certain goals or change them if they don’t match our values. The most important thing is to be aware that it requires effort on our part.

It is much healthier to envision a project for the future where possible obstacles appear that we will have to face, rather than just wanting to go through a mirror to find a different world. Such a world unfortunately does not exist. All we can achieve then will be frustration.

You have to show rationality and realism towards yourself and leave fantasy to Disney films. Pursuing your dreams is sensible and legitimate, but the fact of telling yourself that it will not be easy gives even more merit to the process. This awareness allows us to better develop a project, to find solutions, to make decisions based on reality and to be more successful in what we do.

Lewis Carroll, Alice's Father in Wonderland
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Lewis Carroll is the author of the worldwide hit Adventures of Alice in Wonderland. Discover his life in Victorian British society …

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