Stress And Diet: Why Do We Eat More When We Are Stressed?

The link between stress and diet is a given: we eat more when we are stressed. This type of appetite, unlike organic hunger, does not occur in our stomachs but in our brains. The question that then comes to mind is: for what reason?
Stress and diet: why do we eat more when we are stressed?

Why do we eat more when we are stressed? The relationship between stress and diet has not been studied for a long time. Today, stress affects a large part of the world’s population. We live in a globalized society which demands of people day by day to be more and more able to face and solve professional, social and emotional problems.

It was Hans Selye who, in 1926, for the first time defined stress as “a non-specific response of the body to any demand”. The body reacts in this way to any event that it considers stressful. This is why this reaction is not considered specific: the cause behind this reaction does not matter.

When physical or psychological tension builds up, the body undergoes a series of physical, biological and hormonal changes. Almost all of our organs are involved in the process, including the brain, nerves, heart, digestion, and muscle function, among others.

This process is characterized by excessive activity in the central nervous, sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, endocrine system and immune system.

Among the most important physiological changes is the increased secretion of certain hormones. This concerns adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol.

Stress and diet are linked

Stress and diet: what causes stress?

There are two types of stressors: external stimuli such as economic, family and work problems, and internal stimuli such as pain, illness, feelings of inferiority and certain psychological problems.

Prolonged stress directly affects our health and therefore promotes the onset of certain diseases or inappropriate eating behaviors. Eating more when we are stressed is one example.

Why do we eat more when we are stressed?

Appetite and hunger can be altered due to stress. It sometimes happens that there is a dissociation between appetite (essentially psychic sensation) and hunger (essentially organic sensation).

Appetite can change as a result of various emotional situations. This is due to chemical and vascular variations and impulses transmitted to the midbrain from the brain and from other organs in the body.

Emotions invite eating food in response, especially negative emotions. The most common signs are:

  • Obsession with food
  • Using food as a reward
  • Compulsive eating
  • Continue to eat even when you are full
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Not being able to identify the reason for eating
  • Lack of connection between the psychological signals of hunger and those of satiety
  • Eat food faster without even realizing it

What are the consequences of this stress-related eating behavior?

Under stress, we tend to eat foods high in sugars, fats, calories and salt. And this, in an excessive way.

Poor nutrition for long periods of time can cause adverse health effects ; it not only promotes overweight and obesity, but also the risk of developing certain diseases such as:

  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Hypertension
  • Hypertriglyceridemia
  • Cerebrovascular accidents
  • Cardiovascular illnesses
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Muscle problems
  • Respiratory dysfunctions
  • Increased risk of certain cancers
  • Diabetes
  • Difficulty falling asleep
Woman eating donuts due to stress and diet

Stress and diet: some studies on the subject

In a study at the University of Liverpool, Lattimore and Caswell discuss reasons why dieters eat more during stressful situations. The authors comment on the following:

In another study conducted by the University of Leeds (UK), Laitinen and Sovio concluded that nervous tension produces harmful changes in diet and causes unhealthy eating behaviors. The authors tell us the following:

How to deal with a stressful situation?
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Here we provide you with some modulating strategies that can help you manage a stressful situation. Take notes !

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