5 Characteristics Of A Practical Person

5 characteristics of a practical person

A practical person is someone who focuses on carrying out concrete actions, aimed at achieving clearly useful objectives and producing a more or less immediate effort. For those who think and act this way, anything that does not yield an observable benefit with a little risk taking is lacking in interest or value.

For a person who practices the process, it doesn’t matter how much, but the result is fundamental. If this result brings benefits, it is likely that the means implemented to achieve it are justified. In this vein, for these people, the abstract world of ideas makes little sense, just like that of emotions and values. They just think: if it works, it is good. Otherwise, you have to analyze the process to see what happened.

In principle, a practical person would appear to be someone with no qualms, but this is not the case. For them,  the most important thing is what gives concrete results, not speculations or intentions. In a way, they fear them because they know that often they remain at the stage of speaking, without managing to be transformed into specific facts.

People who have a practical disposition make very important contributions, especially in times of difficulty or crisis. There are many situations in which the important thing is to act, not to speculate or to theorize. If someone has a heart attack, or a business falls, the right thing to do is take action. It is in these situations that practical people reveal their great potential. They also have other interesting features which are presented below.

act before thinking

 1) A practical person is realistic

If a practical person does have one important characteristic, it is their very well-built sense of reality. These people very easily understand the essentials of a situation or a person. On this basis, they define their plans and act, never getting lost in the details.

More than looking at how things might be, practical people worry about how things are. This then becomes a determining substrate in their way of acting. They can be crude, even very direct, but they definitely have their feet firmly on the ground. Ideals and perfect worlds are not spaces in which these people move.

2) It is determined

When a person is practical, he sets very clear goals and runs after them. We hardly see her doubting, speculating or groping. Of course, it can also be thoughtful, but it easily decants ideas and translates them into action. She is more the type to test in reality than to do something using mental manipulations.

All of this converted her into a very determined person. The half-measure does not please him and it never goes through 4 paths. As we said, practical people prefer to assess the validity of their goals and projects in the field, and not by thought. They are able to change direction when concrete reality shows them that they are on the wrong path because they feel a certain attachment to the form compared to what they feel for the goal they have set for themselves.

to be determined

3) she takes risks

Visualizing risks, measures, testing them and considering them in too much detail is not an analysis that appeals to practical people. They know that any circumstance has its ups and downs. However, that does not stop them.

This type of person has their eyes fixed on the outcome. They know that to get to a certain point, it is necessary to take risks and be willing to make mistakes. It does not prevent them from sleeping. They are sure that there is always another way to get to the same point. That’s why they never back down when faced with the possibility of failing.

4) It does not depend on praise or criticism

There is nothing less practical than living by the approval of others. To obtain a gesture of acceptance some people are willing to no longer be themselves, to turn out of their way or to assume opinions which are contrary to their own opinions. It never happens to a practical person.

On the contrary, practical people have a practical outlook on life and are aware that all behavior is subject to criticism. On the other hand, in order to act, they do not depend on the approval or disapproval of their idea by others. This way, they don’t waste too much energy trying to please others.

be yourself

5) She knows how to prioritize: works with hierarchies and sticks to them

Practical people are individuals of action. For an action to be relevant, however, it must meet a minimum order and a clear criterion. In particular, a chain of action leads to obtaining good results when one knows how to distinguish what is important from what is incidental.

Knowing how to prioritize corresponds precisely to the ability to have a good criterion for classifying actions that deserve more attention. We thus know which ones must be carried out first in order to make the following ones possible or easier. One who has practical reasoning is very efficient at prioritizing and following that order.

You will hardly find one person who is totally practical or one who is totally speculative. We almost all have traits of one or the other of these personalities and we apply them in different ways depending on the situation. Each of these perspectives is very valuable and brings different benefits. They are complementary and non-exclusive. What is certain is that cultivating a little of this practical side is useful to all of us; especially when we have to face difficulties which require an immediate solution.

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