No One Heals By Hurting Others

No one heals by hurting others

No injured person gets hurt by projecting their pain on others and even less on those they love.

However, it is possible that we find ourselves in this situation without having intended it or without realizing it, at least initially.

It is very sad to feel bad about yourself, but it is even more so when you are aware that it is a defense mechanism and that we are protecting ourselves.

So think about it: don’t you regret that someone walked away from you because of an emotional blockage in which you could not find a way out?

Isn’t it true that you were sometimes hurt so badly that you then completely shut yourself off from people who maybe deserved a chance?

The heart is one of the most precious organs and see it as the representation of our emotional center, the soul mate that we need to take care of.

So, it is not healthy to close your heart because in addition to the cold that will come in, we will only be able to offer cold to others.

If we are in pain, we must understand that something is happening inside us, but that if we do not start a therapeutic process, we will harm those around us.

The healing process happens in oneself

When we explode outward in one way or another, we are not doing it because of what is outside of us, but because of a lesion that is inside. .

Imagine falling, injuring yourself, and not taking care of your injury (no dressing, no cleaning). What’s going on ?


First, it can become infected, which will take a lot more work to heal. Second, it could happen that someone walks past us and unwittingly rubs us.

In this case, it will hurt us and we will react badly to that person. But the problem is not this person who tickles us, but the fact that we did not heal this injury in a timely manner.

The heart needs to come to terms with the situation that is embarrassing it and most of the healing process lies in understanding what are the possibilities that allow it to overcome what is causing it pain.

Thinking about this situation that we want to leave behind is an individual act that requires a lot of effort and sacrifice on our part.

No one wants to see us like this, why charge others?

On the other hand, as we have explained, beyond each of us is that part that can make others pay for our personal suffering.

Theoretically, it would be great for everyone if everyone had this idea in mind: if those who are with me do it because they love me and are happy seeing me, it is not fair to make them pay my money. bad mood or trying to resolve what bothers me with them.

Let us take a sentence from The Little Prince which illustrates well what we mean: even if the most primary reaction of every animal, including humans, is to build a defense panel after being injured by someone else , not all people wish to do harm, and are not responsible for what happens to them.


By avoiding establishing new relationships or blocking our most intimate access to those close to us with walls, for example, we are not going to be able to heal ourselves or completely prevent what has hurt us from being repeated.

It is also not useful to oppose the help of others or to hide the problem to believe that it does not exist any more: ask yourself if, indeed, this is the situation in which you are.

Spoil yourself! We all deserve it!

If your answer to the previous question is indecisive or affirmative, you need to prepare to pamper yourself.

By taking care of yourself, giving yourself another opportunity, listening to yourself, valuing yourself and loving yourself, you will achieve a happy and harmonious life with others.

We all deserve to learn to say “no” when necessary. You have to teach the heart to make mistakes, to bottom out and to come to the surface because that is what emotional balance consists of: regulating the good and the bad of the experiences that happen to us.

Try to change the rule: if we take care of others, we must first take care of ourselves, because that is the most important.


Hurt because someone has hurt us is bad behavior that does not solve anything.

Remember that a heart that doesn’t know what to do with its pain, and instead of healing itself attacks, just ends up hurting itself even more.

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