Proxemia: How To Communicate With The Space

Proxemia: how to communicate with space

Proxemia, or proxemics, is the study of the relationships of proximity and distance between people and objects during interactions. It studies the distance people maintain from each other when interacting, as well as the presence or absence of physical contact. Proxemia establishes from this the emotional distances occurring between the people who interact.

Proxemia teaches us that talking to a person in front of them may seem perfectly normal, but in some cultures the most accepted position is to be at a 90 degree angle. The same thing happens with our way of greeting, with a kiss or by extending a hand. These practices that we do on a daily basis are too intense in other cultures, such as Japanese culture. The latter prefer to avoid physical contact and greet each other by nodding their heads.

Contact in the proxemics

Each culture establishes different types of contact. There are cultures in which physical contact is not allowed in public while it is common in others. These cultural differences have led to a distinction between cultures with high contact and those with low contact. High contact crops are those where the distances between people tend to be shorter. In low-contact cultures, on the other hand, the space between the people who interact is much more important.

But these cultural differences do not only appear in contact, they are also present in space. The distance between people and the configuration of the environment indicates the distance that is considered acceptable. The spaces that different cultures use can be divided into three: fixed, semi-fixed and personal or informal space.


Space in the proxemics

The fixed space corresponds to the immobile structures which mark the distance. The best known are the borders between countries. The same is true of the arrangements presented by houses; the structure of families; buildings ; the composition of cities; or trees that we can meet in a city. All of these aspects will determine, in part, the distances we maintain from other people.


The distance in the proxemics

Personal space gives rise to distance. The distance that settles between people in different interactions. The distance we maintain with other people will depend, in addition to our culture, on the relationship we have with them. Taking this into account, we can distinguish four types of distances:

  • Intimate distance. This distance occurs in close relationships, in love, but also with family and close friends. Even if with the latter the intimate distance takes place in a distant phase. Intimate distance is an invasion of personal space, which not everyone accepts.
  • Personal distance. Contact with this distance is made without invading personal space. It is used with close people, with people we know. When we are talking to someone. Although it varies from culture to culture, this space is usually an arm’s length.
  • Social distance. It’s about the distance we keep from strangers. We use it with people without a friendly relationship. With those for whom there is no emotional closeness. We also use it when we have just met a person or in business meetings.
  • Public distance. This is a distance greater than 3.5 meters. This is the ideal distance for speaking to a group of people. The distance makes the tone of voice higher, we use it in lectures and discussions.

Although there are many factors involved, proxemia tends to be similar in the interactions we have on a daily basis. The distances and contacts we maintain with other people will be differentiated by the emotional closeness  we have with them. However, the use of space will also have an influence by placing obstacles or promoting proximity.

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