To Mature Is To Laugh At Something That Makes Us Cry

To mature is to laugh at something that makes us cry

Turning one’s gaze to the past is not a simple task if one has not managed to overcome it with the necessary firmness.

Besides, you’ll know if you’ve been successful when you find yourself laughing to yourself about something that choked you back then.

Knowing how to be firm in the face of a past situation and see it in a different way is called maturing. 

When you are going through a difficult time, the darkness may in some way prevent you from seeing the exit and walking in its direction.

Maybe you prefer to stagnate and not face your fears, and not confront all these imaginary beings that you perceive as a threat.

If you remember the situations in which you felt this way, you will understand that the difficulties that seem insurmountable to you today also have flaws and solutions.

By the time you find them, you will be able to look back and feel that you can smile proudly at your own experience, and at your own fears.

Perhaps while reading this, you remembered the phrase that says “you don’t mature with years but with wounds”.

This is partly true. Suddenly those wounds, which today are scars, no longer hurt and are tangible proof that you have grown up, and that you have learned.

Laugh at those who hurt us

The blows you have received will be within you forever and depending on how hard you are, they will require more or less resistance from you.

They will follow you where you want to go, you will not be able to run away from them and they will be engraved in the book of your life. They will do it without exception but you will manage to go beyond them and make them appear in the pages of the past, the one you have already read and which you can reread only if you want to.


Moreover, you don’t just have the option of deciding whether you want to re-read them or not. Most importantly, you have the power to remember it however you want, with the attitude you consider most appropriate.

This is why laughing at what once hurt us means maturing because it is also learning about yourself and being who you are.

You found an inflection point when you were lost and that is more than enough to smile. You have freed yourself from a past that held you, and today you know how to untangle new knots that present themselves.

The mistakes that become the stones of the way

The biggest hits that life gives us are hard times that result from the mistakes of our decisions.

There are situations which require us to make very complicated choices, and which put us “with a knife to our throat”. Each of the options leads us down one path or another, and the path chosen is likely to be the wrong one.

Personal errors turn into small stones that have a meaning  that is good to understand so as not to confront them again, in future paths.

The stones make you stumble and fall over and over again, until you have to get up to continue: it takes a big effort that will inevitably mark you.


Mature is also looking at mistakes as learning opportunities and as tools to experience the most of your life.

Obviously it hurts to be wrong, sometimes a lot, but it is better to try something than to feel bad about not having tried anything. Trying, failing and starting over is part of inner discovery.

To mature is to free yourself from who made you cry

What made you cry can be triggered by any of your actions, but it is also possible that the pain is coming from someone or something outside.

Sometimes, for example, you may have found yourself in a toxic relationship that you struggled to break out of and which left you emotionally unsettled.

On the contrary, maybe you are at a time when it is difficult for you to cut the threads that unite you with the people you love, even if they offer you the best.

We must accept the farewells and stop crying for things that have been but are no longer. 

Butterfly Woman

Elvira Sastre says that a life without courage is an endless path of turning back. Maturing has to do with being courageous with every step you take, especially during the most difficult.

It is only like this that you will have paths which move forward and which are made of memories, like small pieces of luggage of your essence which have grown over time.

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