Fate Does Not Visit Home

Fate does not visit home

Fate, also called fate, fatum or star, does not visit us at home. If we want to meet him, we have to go out and find him. Because even if we think that reality is there to satisfy our desires as if by magic,  our desires will not become real unless we make an effort to achieve them. Sometimes this is not even enough.

I believe that  the best times in our life are usually when we take control of our life. Those in which we act by making decisions and in some way gaining control over our destiny. Instead of praying to the universe or hoping the planets align, we need to ask ourselves what we really want to achieve. Once we know this clearly, it will be time to start working to follow this path towards our goals.

We write our destiny with our decisions

We create our destiny with every step we take and with every choice we make. Even so, too many people think that just letting go and wishing for something makes this happen. In my opinion, this is not true. The only way to have what we want is to strive for it.

fate and sky

On the other hand, some believe that  each person comes into the world with a specific destiny. According to this idea, we all have something to achieve, a message to deliver or a job to complete. So we would not be there by accident but would have a purpose in our existence.

But it doesn’t matter what we think or not. Ultimately, everyone has their own destiny, the one created under the threads of our decisions. The only imperative is to follow it, to fight for it, to accept it. Each of us should do what we think is most right at every point in our life.

Fate: superstition or reality?

Here is a story  that analyzes how fate may or may not affect our lives. We hope you like it.

David was a very pious and observant man. A devout and believing Jew. One night, while he was sleeping, an angel appeared in his dreams.

-David, said the angel to him,  I come from heaven to grant you a wish. God has decided to reward you and he sends me to bring you this message. You can ask what you want: when you wake up, you will have it. When you wake up, you’ll remember everything that happened and know it wasn’t your imagination. So tell me. What do you want above all else?

David thought for a moment and remembered that something had been haunting him lately. It was his own death. So he asked the following:

-I want you to tell me exactly  when and at what time I’m going to die.

After hearing this, the angel turned pale and hesitated.

-I don’t know if I can tell you.

-You told me you could make everything come true. Now, this is what I want.

-I also told you that it was about a reward and if I reveal to you what you ask me, you will live miserable by counting the days that you have left until your death, said the angel . It will not be a gift but a punishment. Choose something else.

David thinks again. But  when the thought of death sneaks into your head, sometimes it’s hard to make it go away.

-Tell me, in any case, when I’m going to die.

The angel realized that there was nothing he could do to get the idea out of his head. If he did not answer him, he would not fulfill his mission, which was to reward David. Therefore,  he reluctantly agreed.

-Since you are a good man and a good believer, you will have the honor of being one of the elect who die on the holiest day of the week. You will die on Shabbat.

Then the angel left. David slept peacefully until the early hours of the morning.

When he woke up, as the angel had told him, he remembered his dream. He felt lucky to be the only man who knew when he would die, which was on a Saturday.

The following days passed quietly. At least until Friday. As he prepared for the arrival of Saturday, David began to shake.

What if it was this Saturday? Is that the reason the angel appeared this week? And why would he go to the temple on the last day of his life? If he had to die, he preferred to stay at home. David realized he had made a mistake. He knew one thing he would have preferred to ignore because it only brought him pain, just like those around him and loved him.

The man finally thought he had found the solution. He would read the Torah from Friday night to Saturday night  because no one can die while reading the Jewish holy book.

And that is what he did. Two or three months passed then, one Saturday morning,  while David was reading the holy book, he heard through the window the voice of someone crying desperately:

Fire! Fire ! The house is on fire. Get out! There is fire… Quick…!

It was Shabat and David remembered the angel’s message. But he also remembered that the Zohar assured him that he would be safe as long as he read the Torah. To be convinced of this, he repeated to himself:

-Nothing can happen to me, I am reading Torah.

But the voices from the street grew more and more insistent. Let those who are in the house come out! You hear me ? Get out quickly, after that it will be too late!

the stairs of fate

David trembled. This was happening to him because he had tried to play with fate and wanted to try to save his life. He was going to die, victim of his attempt to save himself.

“It might not be too late,” he said to himself. Then he closed the book, looked at the stairs and saw that the fire had not yet reached that place. He went down the steps trying to dodge certain death, ran and began to descend them two by two. It was then that he stumbled and ran down the stairs to the floor, where his head hit the bottom step.

He died instantly on Shabat, not knowing that  the fire was in the house opposite and that it would never have reached his. His worry about fate had caused him to die prematurely.


Fate is not a matter of luck, but of choice
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Our destiny is not written in the stars, in the wind or in the earth. Become the unique master aboard the boat of your life!





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