Shout, Sing Or Talk, But Live Life At Full Volume

Shout, sing or talk, but live life at full volume

Laugh, cry, jump, turn, turn around, say goodbye, put ellipses, face life, fall in love, enjoy chocolate, smell a pleasant scent, make mistakes, rectify oneself, write an ‘je you’ love ”, relieve your heart with tears, listen to your favorite song, be surprised, get angry, think, sigh…

We could go on to infinity. Let our imaginations run wild and think about everything that is worthwhile and what brings us joy. But this text is above all an “and if only”. One and if only you lived every day of your life. But to live really, intensely.

We should have goose bumps every day. We should sing, dance, talk and shout every day. Yet we end up turning into flowerpots. In automatons of life. In a body with a calendar head and encased in an outfit of watches and clocks.


Enough of the self-deception, life is short and we waste it

Do not fool yourself because it is not enough to be in fashion, to take the most expensive trip, to be successful in business or to have the perfect body with a scalpel. All this, after a while, no longer represents any value. And we always take a long time to realize this.

As John Lennon said: “ . As if there is no time limit, when in reality time is the least infinite thing that exists because there is a day when we will come to the end.

We tend to forget the fleetingness of sand flowing in the hourglass when that is the reason why we should change our mind and keep climbing this mountain. We also forget that what we are living right now is the only life we ​​are sure we can share. 


What we learn over time

Starting to build this ride is often a matter of time and self-esteem (unless it is out of need). There is a text, by Jorge Luis Borges, which tells us precisely about this, the need to be aware of the passage of time. This is often what allows us to better realize what is going on in our life. Enjoy it!

Over time, I realized the subtle difference between taking someone’s hand and shackling their soul. Over time, I learned that love doesn’t mean leaning on someone and companionship doesn’t mean security. 

Over time … I began to understand that kisses are not contracts, nor gifts are promises. Over time, I learned that being with someone because they offer you a good future means that sooner or later you will want to come back to your past. 

With time… We realize that getting married just because “it’s urgent” is a clear warning that it will be a failure. 

red-cloud woman

Over time, I realized that only the one who is able to love you with your flaws can bring you all the happiness you want. Over time, you realize that if you are by this person’s side only to accompany your loneliness, you will irremediably end up not wanting to see them. 

Over time, you realize that true friends are worth more than any amount of money. Over time, I have come to realize that true friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and those who do not struggle to keep them will sooner or later find themselves surrounded by false friendships.

Over time, I have learned that words said in a moment of anger can continue to hurt whoever they say them for a lifetime. Over time, I learned that many manage to excuse, but only great souls forgive …

Over time, I realized that if you’ve hurt a friend for a long time, your friendship will surely never be the same again. Over time, you realize that no matter how happy you are with your friends, one day you will cry for those you let go.


Over time, you realize that every experience you have with each person is irreplaceable. Over time, you realize that whoever humiliates or neglects a human being will sooner or later suffer from the same humiliations or neglect.

Over time, I have learned to build these paths in the present, because the terrain of tomorrow is too uncertain to plan. Over time, I realized that forcing things to happen prevents them from happening the way you want them to.

Over time, you realize that in reality the best was not yet to come, but when we were living the moment. In time, you will see that even if you are happy with those who are by your side, you will terribly miss those who were with you yesterday and who are gone today.

Over time, I learned that trying to forgive or ask for forgiveness, to say that we love, to say that we are pining, to say that we need, to say that we want becoming friends … facing a grave … no longer makes much sense …

But unfortunately… this we only understand with time.


We postpone our lives to better times, when we have more time or when we have achieved our goals. And meanwhile, we forget that our watch only has 24 hours a day, and striving for your dreams is an opportunity that we have today.

We have forgotten that to live is to understand that time flies without batting an eyelid and that it gives us the possibility of appreciating, or not, the little things that the fact of truly loving offers us. Living is precisely this, knowing how to recognize and appreciate the paths that give us leads to understand that our soul mate is within us, and that it does not make much sense to look outside for what life brings us more. beautiful, and that is inside.

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