5 Keys To Preventing Digital Dementia

5 keys to preventing digital dementia

It is inevitable to refer to the German psychiatrist Manfred Spitzer when we speak of digital dementia. His work allows us to know today that this problem is neither more nor less than the  reduction of our cognitive capacities due to a bad use of new technologies,  like what happens during the process of aging.

Research like this would have been called ridiculous 20 years ago. How will humans let themselves be dominated by digital media? A social animal, characterized by its ability to reason and innovate, would never be fooled by this type of reality. This is what we thought at the time. The consequences of bad technological habits have gradually become visible. Indeed, the younger generations are now much more sensitive to problems related to short-term memory.

Spitzer says  new technologies decrease cognitive performance and memory for people who misuse them. He further points out that our brain functions in a certain sense like a muscle: it grows if it is used, it atrophies if it is not. That is why it is important to stimulate and exercise our mind.

woman with digital dementia

How to prevent digital dementia

We live in a hyperconnected world. It is increasingly normal to find young children with cell phones and computers. Or search on Google for any term or doubt we have without first making an effort to think about it. So digital dementia is on the rise. What can we do about it?

Set a schedule

Define a specific time to use the mobile. If you need it for work,  try to stick to your rest period  (which is also essential). Try, for example, to have it come right after dinner or when you have completed all your tasks.

Remember to spend time with your family, friends or your spouse. Don’t trade your time with them for your social media. That doesn’t mean you can’t check your social media, surf the internet, or play a video game. You can do this in moderation and in balance.

Find a substitute hobby

Learn to play an instrument, sign up for English lessons, or go to the gym. Find a healthy hobby that will make you forget your addiction to the digital world. If you can,  try to find a hobby that requires you to think and analyze.

It is obviously not advisable to resort to computer brain training games   ! Focus on the real world. On the exercises you can do with pencil and paper. You can get a group of friends or relatives together and have a fun evening with them.

sport against digital dementia

Have plans outside the home

Go out and enjoy nature. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold or if it’s raining. Every season has something wonderful. There are certainly plenty of parks to enjoy the outdoors even if you live in the city. It will be good for your lungs, but especially for your mind.

Repeat this routine every day even if you don’t feel like it at first. Your body and brain will gradually get used to it. So you will enjoy having your little daily sunshine or a few minutes in the rain.

Make you think

The next time you want to go easy, give it up. Ask yourself how you would have done it in the days when the Internet did not exist. You will realize that there are  many alternatives without a technological device.

Do your soul-searching and mature your opinion. Is it possible to get an answer without using Google? Isn’t it better to read a book every now and then? Don’t let your brain rust! We will always live longer. So we have to stay as active as possible.

digital dementia

Swap series for books

Watching series is a fun pastime. It shouldn’t become your only activity, however. If you like to get away from it all and immerse yourself in new stories, try picking up a book. Your eyesight will suffer less and your imagination will be strengthened. 

Literature helps increase our creativity to increase. It thus develops a part of us that is very sleepy. Letting your inner child flourish is always a great choice.

Digital dementia is a scourge that is affecting more and more people. Fighting it is easy. An effort is still necessary. Many people will tell you that they just want to lie on the sofa and play on their cell phone or watch a movie after a hard day’s work.

The use of new technologies can become very dangerous. Try to spend time in the open air. At least an hour. Your body and your brain will thank you. And remember that limiting your use of tech devices doesn’t have to isolate you from others if you don’t want to. Real life is much more interesting than digital life.

Zygmunt Bauman: Facebook and the social media trap
Our thoughts Our thoughts

The interesting and incisive thought of Zygmunt Bauman, Polish sociologist, about Facebook and social networks in general.

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