Learn Again To Live, Laugh And Smile Like A Child

Learn to live, laugh and smile again like a child

Many people believe that adulthood involves a life full of responsibilities, anguish and doubts. 

It is certainly for this reason that some regress at the age of 40, and behave like their children. Others are steeped in doubts and complaints, which prevent them from moving forward.

If you’ve found yourself in a similar situation, now is the time to learn from children. They know how to live, laugh and love in such a natural way that there is no more room for the negative in their life.

“Children see magic because they seek it.”

-Christopher Moore-


Rediscover what makes you shine

Children are like a sun that illuminates everything in its path. They do not ask themselves questions about their future, or about the responsibilities incumbent on them.

They never feel ashamed when they fall and get back in the saddle, they are not afraid of making mistakes or showing their feelings.

All of these are characteristics we need to remember in order to live, laugh, and love like children again. Every day, you have to devote time to discover yourself better, to be moved by the small details of life.

There is no magic recipe to forget our daily concerns. You need to allow yourself to see life from a more positive and enthusiastic perspective.

How do you manage to live, laugh and love like a child?

1. Laugh as much as you can, whenever you have the chance.

That doesn’t mean you have to joke around or keep others entertained throughout your day. It is simply impossible. We’re talking more about developing a sense of humor here that will make you happy.

2. Have confidence in your “superpowers”

Who has no power? We invite you to identify five things that you are really good at. Keep in mind that these are not necessarily extraordinary abilities:

  • Can you make your loved ones’ problems go away in seconds with your jokes?
  • Can you prepare a nice little meal?

These are just two of many examples. A superpower is something that makes you unique.

3. Dare!

Children do not constantly ask themselves the following things: “Am I able to do this?”, “Am I going to do it?”.

They decide to do one thing and go for it, it’s that easy. Unfortunately, many adults forget that it is very important to try new things frequently.

Since when haven’t you done something that plunges you into the unknown? Go out to see a play that appeals to you, or jump in a parachute! Do different things!

4. Go out with your friends

Have you ever realized that children are always surrounded by other children?

This is also what makes them happy, because they can share the good times and the bad. These moments are a source of absolute happiness, they are the best memories of our life.

What good are material objects and professional successes if we have no one to share them with?


5. Be rebellious

You probably tell yourself that you don’t have time, or that you have a lot of obligations that you cannot leave aside.

But don’t worry, this isn’t about leaving everything behind and embarking on a journey through the world (of course, doing that is possible, but it’s not easy).

To be rebellious means not to conform.

Do you feel enmeshed in the monotony of the status quo? What are you doing there ? Chase your dreams!

Children are always looking for new options: a new game, or new friends. They don’t stagnate, and that’s what allows them to develop as people.

6. Hold your loved ones in your arms

If you have children, or you spend a lot of time with little ones, you already know very well that they can arrive at any time and hug you. There is only one reason for this: they want it.

In this way, they show you that they love you. You will see them laughing and enjoying the moment when they do. This is how we are to take life.

Do not be afraid that people will take this gesture badly. It might seem strange to them, especially if you never do it, but they will feel good in the moment and reproduce it in their lives.

Well, here ! You are ready to live, laugh and love like a child. Don’t let routine turn off the inner child. If you are between 20 and 60 years old, you can reconnect with him and enjoy life with peace of mind.

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