Why Is Emotional Intelligence So Important? Here Are Some Tips That Will Help You Develop It

Why is emotional intelligence so important? Here are some tips that will help you develop it

Emotional Intelligence is a whole set of emotional capacities ; it is the capacity to manage one’s emotions, a predisposition to express them, an ease to understand them, even to change them.

The good news is that you can develop Emotional Intelligence throughout your life, which of course is only possible in the realm of the emotions, not in the realm of the intellect.

Emotional Intelligence, what does it bring?

Among other things, having a developed Emotional Intelligence means forging healthy bonds with others, and understanding their emotions.

On the other hand, people with intelligence in the emotional realm are more likely to be successful in their professional lives. Indeed, surveys have shown that most of those who have succeeded exhibit this characteristic.

How to develop Emotional Intelligence?

If you want to develop your Emotional Intelligence, then there are certain elements to take into account. As we said above, Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional abilities. If you don’t have them, you can expand them:

• Stay calm, don’t put pressure on yourself.  There are many people who suffer from great stress. It all depends on the way we deal with stressful situations on a daily basis: the ideal is to be reactive and assertive, in order to find an inner balance and not to be overwhelmed by our emotions. .
If you are upset, nervous or anxious most of the time, then maybe now is the time to act. You can take up sports, or do some artistic or enjoyable activity that can help you achieve and maintain emotional stability.
However, if you are particularly upset, then the best thing to do is to see a psychotherapist.

• Accept and deal with negative emotions. It is very important to learn how to develop the ability to deal with negative emotions effectively, so as not to be affected by our own judgment.
But, how do you get there? The first thing to change is the way we approach situations and think about them.

• Know how to read signals sent by others. It is a social ability that consists of being able to perceive and precisely interpret the expressions of others, be they verbal, physical or emotional.
This therefore amounts to not misinterpreting the words of those around us, which would most certainly give rise to misunderstandings.
If you don’t understand someone’s reaction, the best course of action is to try to understand before you jump to a conclusion, judge or accuse.
It is also advisable to dialogue with the other in order to better understand his reaction.

• Express your intimate emotions in the relationships you have with others. If we want to maintain close and lasting bonds with others, it is important to learn how to effectively express our emotions: love, tenderness, respect, etc. Unfortunately, there are many who fail to express these types of emotions, even if deep down they are vivid.

This emotional incapacity can create conflicts, because loving, accepting and valuing the other is good, but saying it and letting him know it is better.

If the other opens, then we have to open too. It is not a question of saying only “good things”, but it is undoubtedly that the fact of expressing oneself or of exchanging one’s intimate emotions with the other makes it possible to nourish and strengthen the bonds which one. created with him.

• Express complex emotions when necessary. Assertion is an ability that allows us to openly express what is important to us, have a clear opinion on things, even set limits in our relationships and let others know what things are. that we can accept (or not).

To be assertive is therefore to have the right to disagree with the other in certain circumstances, without being disagreeable; it’s knowing what our priorities are and being able to say “no” without feeling guilty.

Gone are the days when emotions were viewed as a “secondary” process and less important than other human abilities such as reason and logic. Recent surveys show that the emotional sphere plays a determining role in our lives.

We know today that it is not intelligence (that which corresponds to the traditional concept of the intelligence quotient) which will allow us to lead a fulfilling life.
What good is it to be intellectually brilliant if you are not emotionally brilliant? Most of the problems that we can encounter in life are due to our emotional disabilities.

Emotional Intelligence, on the other hand, increases our chances of thriving (whether on a personal or social level) and, ultimately, of having access to Happiness.

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