3 Revolutionary Books That Made You Rethink The Future

3 revolutionary books that made you rethink the future

“Living without reading is dangerous, you have to be content with life, it can lead to taking risks”. This lapidary sentence by Michel Houellebecq sums up with great accuracy what life without reading is. That’s why we want to bring you a series of groundbreaking books that can make you reconsider your future. So, do you want to follow us?

Because  reading is a wonderful passion which turns out to be a very useful hobby. It is good to instill the habit of reading from childhood so that children discover worlds of fantasy, happiness and humor. In addition, it makes the mind work, which will always be more open, and is a source of knowledge.

However, there comes a time when every reader feels the temptation to move on and take things further. Has it ever happened to you to look for something more in a book, a film, a magazine…? Hasn’t there been a book, a film, a work of art that has turned everything you thought upside down?

Revolutionary books throughout history

In the course of human history, many revolutionary books have been written which have broken molds and conventions. Whether because of their time, content, or language used, they have not been free from censorship and lack of understanding.


We can think of cutting-edge works like The Prince by Nicolas Machiavelli. Or Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species . Without forgetting The Manifesto of the Communist Party of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. And another engraved in our memories, Le Décaméron by Jean Boccace.

With these books that we have just named, we are only touching the tip of the iceberg. Luckily,  today there are still writers who can write powerful things to get us out of our lethargy. Authors who manage to upset us so that we reconsider our own life. It is to them and their works that we refer below.

Submission , by Michel Houellebecq

We started the article with a quote from the poet and controversial writer Michel Houellebecq. This is why it seems logical to us to begin by recommending his last work,  Submission . This is a difficult tale that has been unfairly misinterpreted by much of the world of readers and non-readers.

“Who controls the children controls the future, period.


Houellebecq, in his work, portrays, beyond the context of a moderate Islamist party which takes power in France, of a tired and tidy society. Many have tried to see this book as an account against Muslims and their customs.

However,  the author simply uses the fact that a party comes to power as a springboard to speak of a sleepy and gentrified French society. In reality, Houellebecq speaks coldly and with a certain sadness about a people who at times seem to have lost their courage. People there accept everything as soon as it happens, without the slightest thought or critical capacity. A portrait of today’s apathetic Europe? Looks like it does.

The Heist of the Century,  by Michael Lewis

Now let’s discover  The Heist of the Century,  another truly controversial tale of our time. Through a series of real characters who went against the own world and the markets, Michael Lewis shows us a society stingy and with reckless cravings for power.

“We live in an era of fraud in America. Not just in banks, but also in government. Education, religion, food, and even baseball. “

The heist of the century


In fact, the 2008 crack chronicle that shattered the lives of so many people around the world is an excuse. Lewis, with his powerful prose and cynical tone, shows us  people so greedy for money that they have completely forgotten the importance of values.

The saddest  thing about The Heist of the Century  is that Lewis himself doesn’t believe, forgive the redundancy, in humanity. The ending teaches us that even if time passes, a few people will benefit the rest of humanity as long as the wheel does not stop turning.

Persepolis,  by Marjane Satrapi

Let’s end our controversial trilogy with a graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi. Its name is  Persepolis. Through her pages,  she tells us about her misadventures in an Iran beset by an ultra-reactionary Islam. 

“To die like a martyr is to inject blood into the veins of society. “


Satrapi tells his own story of getting out of a country where a coup “probably perpetrated” by the North American secret service destroyed a legitimate government elected by the people. After that,  outrage takes hold of the nation, creating an ideal breeding ground for religious radicalism.

As you can see,  revolutionary books can be appropriate for raising awareness. If you want to take a look, let this article serve as an invitation to you, dear reader. I can guarantee you won’t regret it. Before you start the first sentence, you will be someone, and after the end of a book, you will be another person.

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