Do Mind Control Techniques Exist?

How is mind control implemented and what are the consequences on the life of the manipulated person?
Do mind control techniques exist?

Mind control techniques exist and can be very productive or very counterproductive  depending on how you use them. This concept is defined in several ways, which can lead to some confusion. We can talk about coercive persuasion, brainwashing, thought reform, manipulation, among others.

All of these names share some commonalities, elements that define mind control. All of them refer to the persuasion and direct or indirect influence of an individual’s mind to perform a task. In this article, we’ll quickly define mind control by detailing some of its techniques.

What is mind control?

It includes a series of techniques aimed at controlling and modifying the mental processes of an individual. These mind control techniques are not a fantasy; in many cases, they are very effective, and sometimes even unavoidable. However, not all mind control is necessarily negative, because it can be used positively.

Mind control techniques can have powerful effects. They can significantly influence an individual, in their actions, behaviors, thoughts, beliefs, tastes, relationships and even in their own identity.

mind control

Researcher Steve Hassan distinguishes between mind control and brainwashing. The distinction lies in the awareness of being manipulated or influenced. As part of brainwashing, the victim knows that she is being manipulated into changing her thoughts in favor of the abuser. While in the context of mind control, the victim is not aware that he is being manipulated.

In this sense, mind control can be very subtle and sophisticated. And that makes it dangerous, even when employed by a person with good intentions. Indeed, by his mind control, someone can change the way of being of others without it being visible or discovered. The manipulator can be anyone, even someone very close to them.

Who can be a victim of mind control?

These mind control techniques are subtle and slow, that is, they have no immediate effect. Mind control is a slow process which gradually changes the minds of the manipulated. Although it depends a lot on the techniques used, the time of application and the personal and social factors of the person being manipulated.

Additionally, physical strength is not required to apply mind control techniques. However, great psychological and social pressure rests on the manipulated person. Anyone can be a victim of mind control. This is where the risk of misuse of this type of mental manipulation lies.

Some mind control techniques

Here are some of the best known and most effective mind control techniques:

  • Total or partial isolation from the family or social nucleus:  cutting the manipulated person from his emotional ties facilitates the process of mental control, since a total or partial dependence on the manipulator is then woven.
  • Progressive physical exhaustion:  reducing the physical and cognitive capacities of the person being manipulated through many activities. For example, forced labor or excessively long working days.
  • Diet  change : a sudden change in diet. In particular, a reduction in protein, which also weakens the body and mind of the person being manipulated.
  • Constant recall of simple or complex ideas:  this is one of the most important techniques, because only by constantly keeping in mind the ideas that one wants to insert into the mind of the manipulated person that mind control will be effective. This can be done orally, with songs and mantras, or in writing, with signs and required readings.
  • Displays of affection and rewards:  The manipulator pays attention and rewards the manipulated person if they do something that facilitates mental manipulation. All this with the aim of generating a dependence of the manipulated person towards the manipulator.
  • Subtle or direct drug  use : Drug use is not compulsory, but facilitates mind control.
  • Hypnosis:  making the mind of the manipulated person vulnerable helps to facilitate the manipulation process itself.

Who is using these mind control techniques?

Anyone who wants to manipulate or influence another individual. In addition, those who use these techniques have very specific goals, which may be political, social and / or personal. Indeed, the desired goal is for the manipulated person to lose his freedom to think and his personal characteristics.

Therefore, mind control is generally used in sects or religious groups. It is used to add new members to the organization and keep old members active. It is therefore the leaders of sects or religious groups who apply these techniques to their disciples.

On the other hand, an unfriendly person can also use mind control techniques to manipulate and exploit another person. Although you may also come across cases in normal relationships in which one of the parties abuses their power. As for example in the relations between: teacher / student, parent / child, boss / employee, doctor / patient, among others.

mind control

Usefulness of mind control techniques

Not all applications of these techniques have a negative connotation. They can also be beneficial in certain circumstances, provided they are not invasive or imposed.

When physicians or psychologists use these techniques, they can be of tremendous benefit to the lives of many patients. They can be used to suppress addiction, overcome traumatic experience, improve self-esteem, and even eliminate thoughts of suicide or harming yourself. In short, mind control techniques are not bad in and of themselves, they are bad when used for malicious purposes.


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