5 Simple Habits To Develop Patience

5 simple habits to develop patience

Most of us are aware that it is very important to develop patience in order to live smarter. But there is a big difference between wanting it and getting it. Especially if we take into account that the current world is not exactly a realm of tranquility.

Patience is a transcendental virtue because, in reality, the most important things in life take time. Any worthwhile process should combine  action times with wait times. Times of success with those of work .

Developing patience is not easy. But it is still possible. Habit is also involved in this process. We get into the habit of reacting quickly and not introducing the  necessary waiting times and breaks. Therefore, it is important to learn new habits that lead us to be more patient. Here are five of them.

1. Never judge

How does the habit of judging others relate to the goal of developing patience? We sometimes spend too much energy questioning  others. Thinking about what they are doing wrong and what they could or should be. This exercise, in itself, introduces a strong internal tension between the world and us.

not to judge to develop patience

Judging others means adopting a hostile attitude towards reality. This hostility often results in intolerance, which triggers impatience. On the other hand, it is easier for us to maintain internal balance if we learn to accept others as they are. We will then have a greater capacity to develop patience.

2. Distance yourself from conflict

If we analyze it in depth, we realize that many conflicts  are unnecessary. They are born from the ill-being that everyone carries, but generally do not lead anywhere. They are the expression of dissatisfaction which leads to a large extent to feeling even more dissatisfied.

Conflict is not inherently bad. On the contrary. It is often rewarding because it helps us see things from another point of view or allows us to realize the mistakes we make. The secret is to deal with this conflict properly. Not to allow it to perpetuate itself and bring us into a state of  constant tension.

3. Recognize the contributions of others

To develop patience, it is essential to learn to value the contributions of others. Some people do a lot for us on a daily basis. None of them are perfect, just like ourselves, but they ultimately enrich our lives and make them better.

recognize the contributions of others to develop patience

We end up placing immeasurable importance on the little mistakes of others when we ignore their contributions. Developing patience means accepting and valuing others.  We place ourselves in a more generous and calm dimension, both with others and with ourselves, when we recognize their contributions.

4. Slow down

One of the great evils of our time is the obsession with speed. We have become the enemies of slowness. We lose sight of the fact that the most precious thing in life always takes time. The difference between a good or a bad decision, or between a good or a bad deed, is sometimes only a moment of waiting.

We build ourselves, we build our own life. We probably won’t be the architects of a solid structure if we want to do everything quickly. Indeed, we will rather build something ephemeral, and therefore fragile. Let’s slow down a bit each time we realize that we’re overwhelmed with haste.

5. Breathing, a fundamental action to develop patience

Breathing holds many of the secrets of a  healthy mind and of healthy emotions. Oxygen is one of the most important foods in our brains, so anything to do with breathing is also linked to the proper functioning of our inner world.


Taking a moment to breathe, if possible three times a day, is a very healthy habit that will help us develop our patience. It is best to close your eyes and try not to think of anything. Only to this air which enters and leaves… to the life which inhabits us.

You also need to be patient to develop your patience. You won’t do it overnight. It takes time and effort. It is, however, a success that will change you forever and be an extremely rewarding factor in your life. Try !

Patience, the art of knowing how to wait
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Patience is a necessary attitude to live in the here and now, enjoying the present moment.

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