Your Heart Is Free … Have The Courage To Listen To It

Your heart is free ... have the courage to listen to it

Our heart is free, for it is in it that our true freedom resides. He alone knows what you want and what you really want at all times.

However, you have to have the courage to listen to him, because not everything he says to you will be easy to hear. So be brave, and find out what he has to tell you.

Your heart will always know what you need, even if you think you are lost. You just have to listen to him quietly, and he will reveal his message to you.

Don’t turn a deaf ear for fear of his answer, or your fears that may arise at any time. Stop and listen to it; he has many things to tell you.

Your heart is free, listen to it

From our earliest childhood, where we learn that we must do everything to have an easy life: not having problems eating enough, finding a job, finding accommodation, in short, leading a “normal” life.

Who has never heard their mother say “you have to work in school to be able to have a good job”? Living a comfortable life then becomes one of our priorities.

However, often this means not listening to our heart, which has catastrophic repercussions in our lives.

Unfortunately, freedom and calm do not always go hand in hand, and in this case, the consequences are not good.


“What you feel today in your heart, tomorrow your head will understand”




A heart is free, that’s why it always knows what you really need.

However, society is not ruled by the paths of our dreams nor by the things we really want to happen, which is why it is not easy to make room for our heart in this confused, full world. obligations, standards and invoices.

It is important to learn to listen to our heart at all times. We have to make sure that our life is governed by the real desires that he feels. It is only in this way that we can truly be free.

However, if we let ourselves be carried away by obligations, little by little, we will forget the importance of listening to our heart, the only one that really knows intimately what we want in life.

If we do not listen to our heart, we will never be free, and it will be very difficult for us to achieve happiness.

Instead, we will lead a life punctuated with voids and needs that we will never be able to identify or fill, because the less we maintain our ability to listen to our heart, the more it fades.

Listen to your heart and you will be free

If you listen to your heart, you will be free and you can lead a much more fulfilled and happy life.

Read the rest of this article, and you’ll discover tips that can help you, if you apply them, be a more fulfilled person:

  • If you are looking for a job to earn money, that job will always be a burden on you, and ultimately, you will never really take advantage of it.
    However, if you devote yourself to something you’ve always dreamed of, something you love, you’ll never feel like you’re working; responsibility and stress will turn into exciting challenges and a desire to learn.
  • If you’ve always dreamed of traveling and feeling free, then skip ties. It’s okay to want to own a home, for example, but one day it can prove to be a big burden when you want to explore this wonderful world you live in.
    Remember that by renting an apartment, for example, you are more preserving your freedom.
  • You may want to start a family, but you need to choose your timing for that. Don’t go too fast, but don’t waste too much time either.
    Just listen to your heart, because only it has the real answer, only it knows what you want deep inside you.
    Don’t let something as wonderful as loving your partner or worshiping your children become a burden and an obligation.

Your heart is free

Only your heart is free. Therefore, listen to it, and you too will be free.

Never turn your back on it. Don’t let bonds blind you to the point that you can’t hear his voice anymore.

It is never good to use only your head; logic is necessary, of course, but so are feelings, dreams and emotions.

Never forget that your heart is free. Listening to it is absolutely necessary, because your happiness depends on it. Don’t get carried away by events, and always have your needs, wants and dreams in mind.

This is the only way you can enjoy the fulfilling life you have always imagined. It is not impossible; nothing is impossible.


“You have to listen with your head, but let your heart speak”

-Marguerite Yourcenar-

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