The Touching Story Of The Old Man And The Crane

The touching story of the old man and the crane

It is said that a long time ago a man with long white hair arrived in a small village. He was accompanied by a crane. They formed a strange couple because these birds were not known to mix with humans. However, the old man and the crane were still together.

The villagers said that this man was very wise. Apparently he was very well known throughout the region for his great teachings. Despite this, the old man was very humble. He settled down near a manger with the crane. This one still walked in front of him.

People started to be curious. They approached to look at him from a distance but he did not even see them. Only the crane seemed to be waiting for something. Quickly, the inhabitants of the village decided to bring them food and clothes because they thought they were destitute. The old man and the crane thanked those who were helping them.

The old man and the crane are questioned

One day, as night had just fallen, a peasant approached the place where the old man and the crane were resting. She worried a little when she saw him and flapped his wings to wake the old man, who asked the visitor if there was anything he could do for him.

old man

The peasant sat down opposite the old man and confessed to him that a question was running through his mind. He had been told he was very wise and he wanted to know if he could give him an answer. The old man replied: “No one is wise enough to have an answer for everything, but if I can help you, I will”.

The peasant tells him that he would like to know how to open the gates of heaven and those of hell. He wanted to have permanent access to heaven but did not want to go to hell. So he needed to know how their doors opened or closed. The old man and the crane listened intently. When the peasant had finished speaking, the old man said to him: “What a stupid question! We see that you are a real ignorant! ”.

Hearing this, the peasant got angry and wanted to hit the old man. The crane intervened and stopped him. The peasant then saw that the old man was blind and that the bird was his guide. He felt ashamed for wanting to hit him and his rage dissipated. He only felt compassion for this vulnerable old man and begged his forgiveness. The latter then said to him: “Anger has opened the gates of hell to you. And compassion, those of heaven ”.

To know and not to know …

The peasant was amazed. He had proof that he was indeed a very wise teacher. He thanked him for his teaching and told the people of the village what had happened. These, forming a large procession, went to the place where the old man and the crane were. Some wanted answers  and others just wanted to contemplate him and be near him. He exuded great serenity.

story of the old man and the crane

One day a young man came to the place where the old man and the crane were sitting. He had a mysterious attitude. He walked over and, in a low voice, said the following:

-Master,  people talk about you maliciously …

-One moment! said the old man. Do you have any proof of what you just told me? Have you heard someone say bad things about me?

The young man thinks for a moment and says:

-No. I did not hear them personally. Someone told me … It’s a rumor that has spread in the village …

The old man and the crane said nothing for a while. He was thoughtful. And she, as always, stood beside him, protecting him. The beautiful bird was extremely grateful to him for saving him from a trap in the woods. Since that day, he had never ceased to accompany him and to serve as his guide because the old man was blind.

A great teaching

After having meditated for a moment, the master spoke to the young man who had just told him about the rumor circulating in the village. He asked her:

What you just told me, will it do me any good? What about my friend the crane?

flying crane

The youngster began to think for a moment. Then he said:

-In truth, no. To be honest, it’s quite the opposite. What people say about you is something that could bother you. And your friend too, he  added, referring to the crane.

The old man and the crane were silent again. Then the master declared:

– I have one last question for you. Do I need to know what is being said about me and my friend the crane?

-No. Actually, no, the youngster replied thoughtfully.

“Then go,” said the old man. When you don’t know if something is true, saying it doesn’t do any good. It is not necessary to communicate it, it is not worth talking about it.


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