7 Unforgettable Quotes From Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King’s phrases capture part of the arduous struggle that this great man led to build more just conditions in the world, through non-violence. It is worth reading and thinking about them.
7 unforgettable quotes from Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King was a lucid and courageous man who made his life a true example. He was, without a doubt, one of the great builders of justice and equity in the contemporary world.

He is defined as a civil rights activist. However, reading the quotes from Martin Luther King, it is clear that he was much more than that. He was a thinker, a true leader who preached with deeds and who stuck to his convictions until the last moment.

What is most interesting and moving about his legacy is this blend of unwavering firmness and radical pacifism. If he was an apostle of non-violence, he was also a leader who stood firm in his decisions. Here are some of Martin Luther King’s most memorable quotes.

Illustration depicting Martin Luther King.

1. One of Martin Luther King’s quotes on injustice

Justice and injustice are present in many of Martin Luther King’s quotes. He lived and suffered the effects of racial discrimination in his country, which gave him enough elements to understand that the absence of justice only breeds greater evils.

In this regard, he declares: “ An injustice done somewhere is a threat to justice in the world ”. He means that justice is a universal value. It is not defensible only in specific circumstances, but at all times and in all places.

2. The first step …

Martin Luther King fought a struggle whose goals seemed unattainable. So he knew what he was talking about when he said this, “ Take the first step on the path of faith. You don’t have to go through it all, just take the first step. ”

Luther King stood up against a centuries-old tradition. Against ideas that seemed unshakeable. He knew he would not achieve his short term goals and that is why the phrase saves the value of perseverance. Namely to put into action, no matter how long it takes to reach the goal.

3. The problem is indifference

It is one of those Martin Luther King phrases that continues to be repeated today and has never lost its validity. It reads: “ What scares me is not the oppression of the wicked, it is the indifference of the good.

The wicked, the cruel or the unjust are really a minority. Most people are good. However, it is the indifference of these good people that often allows the bad guys to take control and keep it.

4. The criteria for judging others, according to Martin Luther King

To judge a human being on the basis of accidental and random circumstance is truly meaningless. The fact that he was born in a certain country or has a certain appearance does not tell us anything about this person. These are characteristics that are not dependent on that person.

What depends on each person is the degree of evolution of their mind and heart. This is why Luther King was absolutely right when he said: “I have a dream that one day my four children will live in a nation where they will not be judged for the color of their skin, but for their character ” .

5. How to increase your truth

Martin Luther King was convinced that brotherhood and cooperation should be at the heart of human coexistence. This is why he said: “ Your truth will increase to the extent that you will know how to listen to the truth of others ”.

Someone who is closed to what is different, to what is “other”, also limits his possibility of expanding what he sees and what he knows about the world. It is only by listening and recognizing other ways of thinking and seeing reality that it is possible to expand your personal horizons.

6. Disappointment and hope

It is one of the most beautiful phrases of Martin Luther King. It reads as follows: “ We must accept passing disappointments, but keep hope for eternity ”. It is one of those statements that inspires and strengthens the mind in difficult times.

It is a statement that calls us to cultivate hope, for in hope lies the strength to continue. In order not to falter in what we do, it is important to understand disillusionment as a fleeting moment.

Drawing Martin Luther King.

7. The cycle of violence, according to Martin Luther King

This is another of those great wise phrases. He says: “ What you get by violence you can only keep by violence ”. He tells us how violence generates logics which then take on their own dynamics.

There is no way that something that has been obtained arbitrarily does not leave scars or generate consequences that then turn into resentment, revenge, or retribution. Thus begins a cycle which does not end until justice is done.

There are many other Martin Luther King quotes that are left out that give us enlightening and wonderful messages. The thought and life of this great man are a source of learning that is always worth returning to.

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