7 Phrases To Enjoy The Day

7 phrases to make the most of the day

The Latin expression carpe diem literally means “to seize the day” which is to say “to enjoy the moment”. We must therefore not devalue the moment and neither let it pass as if it did not matter. It is a kind of amiable mission which invites us to live the present with calm and fullness.

This expression was coined by a Roman poet named Horace. It has since its inception become very popular. The meaning she had was not to delay things and also not to live according to the past or the future, but to make the most of the present moment.

From Roman times to the present day, the expression has exerted a great influence. It appears in an infinity of literary works and it always maintains the essential course of locating itself in the current moment and taking advantage of it. Inspired by this deep and wise message, we have brought a few sentences to make the most of the days. Here are seven of them.

1. Don’t forget to laugh

One of the most beautiful phrases to enjoy the day belongs to the famous Charlie Chaplin. She basically positions joy as the center of everything: ”  Never forget to smile, because the day when you don’t smile will be a day lost. ” “

Even in the most difficult circumstances, if we seek it, we will always find a pretext to smile. The first of these is being alive, breathing the air, enjoying the rain or the rays of the sun, but above all living being aware of all of this.

smile to life

2. One of the best phrases to enjoy the day

Sometimes it is the most unknown authors who leave us the most wonderful sentences to be happy. This is the case with this one: ”  Give every day the possibility of turning into the most beautiful day of your life  “.

While we don’t know who wrote this line, it is one of the most popular. It is an affirmation that calls for the valuation of each day in order to make it the best expression of life. Because every day can be the best if we are willing to see it that way.

3. Every day is unique

One of the greatest poets in history was Walt Whitman. Few are those who, like him, have written about happiness and the joy of living. In fact, he has a poem called Carpe Diem and his own life was an exaltation of existing.

every day is unique

One of Walt Whitman’s quotes is, “  Enjoy the day. Don’t let it end without allowing yourself to grow a little, without having been a little happier, without having fueled your dreams  ”. He is absolutely right: no matter what the circumstances, each day can go beyond the others, each day can be extended.

4. Better not to offer anything

Human beings tend to forget that death exists. While the fact that we would all die someday is an absolute truth, we often forget it. We live as if time is eternal and as if we will always exist.

The sentence that will be presented to you reminds us that life has an end. An anonymous author wrote: ”  Don’t make a rough draft of your life, maybe you won’t have time to clean it up  .” This means that we have to work on fewer projects and more actions.

5. The present is most real

The present moment is a point in time where the past we come from and the future we are building join together. So the now is the most real time and the one to which we must give the most involvement.

Albert Camus reminded us of this through this sentence: ”  True generosity towards the future consists in giving everything to the present  “. This means that what will come will depend completely on what we do today.

enjoy the moment

6. Best of all risks

This is one of the sentences written by Mark Zuckerberg, the genius of technology, to take advantage of the time. She says, “  The biggest risk is not to take it. In a world that changes so quickly, the only strategy that guarantees failure is not to take risks  ”.

In this case, we must therefore enjoy life more intensely by overcoming our fears. We have nothing guaranteed. But if for that we avoid risk at all costs, we end up depriving ourselves of living.

7. Time ends

This phrase belongs to another tech genius: Steve Jobs. He announced the following sentence: ”  If you live each day of your life as if it were the last, one day you will be really right  “. The affirmation is above all of an implacable logic.

life is not endless

As we know, today may be the best day of our lives, but we don’t know if it may be the last. We now insist on the fact that life ends and that for this reason, each day must be valued as if it were a life in itself.

The phrases for enjoying the day are a wake up call. Realizing that postponing things, waiting for conditions to be better or wasting time unnecessarily is not a valid option . So, enjoy the everyday, because life is not endless.


Attention, live every day of your life!
Our thoughts Our thoughts

“It’s your life. Do what you love, and do it often. If something doesn’t please you, change it. If you don’t like your job, give it up.

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